Simply Walk into Mordor by Benjamin Collison

Well, Frodo, at least you're not encased in carbonite. 😉

#bobafett   #frodo   #lordoftherings   #starwars   #mashup  

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21 Responses to Simply Walk into Mordor by Benjamin Collison

  1. Jason Blalock says:

    Childe Boba to the Dark Tower came…

  2. Glenda gale says:

    awesome design!

  3. Mar Mai says:

    Why is this so dang cool?!!!! Awesometastic!!!!

  4. James Lamb says:

    Is that a reptile eye or a flaming anus?

  5. Sean Johnson says:

    "You hobbits are making me rich…"

  6. Stephen Goodwin says:

    what the fuck?

  7. James Mellnick says:


  8. Rhonda Stewart says:


  9. Ethan Rogers says:

    XD Yeeaah buddy.

  10. Aidan Green says:

    go to google maps. get walking directions. in place A, write "The Shire" . in place B, write "Mordor".  Caution: One does not simply walk into mordor.

  11. Ethan Rogers says:

    So is this like an actual painting?  How was this made, photo shop or somn?  This is amazing art.

  12. Joye Black says:

    awesome! and +Aidan Green  I've totally done that (: its so funny!

  13. Addy Cook says:

    That's not photoshop. The Eye is not really realistic, but it's awesome art.

  14. Megan Zzz says:

    Does anyone else see the Ty-Fighter being chased by the Fellbeast??? 😀

  15. Addy Cook says:

    Heh. I would have loved to see that!

  16. Megan Zzz says:


  17. Addy Cook says:

    Oh, he's carrying Frodo. I didn't see that!!!

  18. Addy Cook says:

    Well played, Boba. Well played.

  19. Emma Grace says:

    I  love this. Mixing two of my favorite things! Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars

  20. Chandler Hamby says:

    i love this picture but i'd cry my eyes out if he really did that to Frodo.

  21. Ethan Rogers says:

    It coulda been painted on photo shop.  I would be very impressed if it was. XD

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