Special Carter Gibson New Year's Mosaic

Reading through the comments on the New Year's Mosaic post, I was feeling kind of bad for +Carter Gibson trying to find his picture.

So… I made a special one just for him. Good luck Carter!!! 😉

Original Mosaic Post Here:

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Post imported by Google+Blog. Created By Daniel Treadwell.

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27 Responses to Special Carter Gibson New Year's Mosaic

  1. Carter Gibson says:

    TOP LEFT! Wait. no. Bottom right!

  2. Keith Cramer says:

    +Carter Gibson Dude, I helped out. I tagged you.

  3. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    Poor Carter …… haahhahahahahaha!!! I am sorry, this is too much!! to the _I to the _I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Scott Anderson says:

    Took me a while…

  5. Jo Anne Thomas says:

    OMFG +Carter Gibson I seriously think that we all have issues today!!!
    I seriously just posted "being on serious-like" on my end, To the Left to the Left……. Look at my L's????????????
    I am retarded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I was trying to be cool!!!!!!!!

  6. Carter Gibson says:

    +Keith Cramer okay, wait. i'm so confused. your tag? I know im in the picture…i just cant find ittt

    lol, make my problems go away +Jo Anne Thomas!

  7. Christie Cannon says:

    This new mosaic for Carter is too funny! You rock +Scott Cramer!!

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks +Christie Cannon I felt guilty about the time he spent on the last one… 😉

  9. Carter Gibson says:

    Still haven't found it in either of them. haha

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    +Carter Gibson you are my honorary brother now. +Keith Cramer is a dork too. 😉

  11. Keith Cramer says:

    LOL. +Carter Gibson I can't laugh too much. I had the benefit of +Scott Cramer's phone number to beg for help! Welcome to the family! 🙂

  12. Carter Gibson says:

    Cramer family!

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    We'll be like a dual citizenship country; you don't have to renounce your original family or anything. 😉

  14. Shefali Burns says:

    lol, +Carter Gibson I found you sooo easily in the original 🙂

  15. Carter Gibson says:

    Where am I +Shefali Burns

  16. Shefali Burns says:

    really +Carter Gibson ??? just look for +Elaine Lindsay she is tagged, you are 3 rows down and 2 squares to the left, lol

  17. Elaine Lindsay says:

    +Shefali Burns and +Scott Cramer you rock..

  18. Carter Gibson says:

    Haha, okay I'm going to go solve this +Shefali Burns. +Scott Cramer, i'm really not fucking with you. I looked that shit over up and down. haha

  19. Scott Cramer says:

    First person that isn't +Keith Cramer or +Dustin Cochran who happens to be watching this post and can mention the significance of all the non-Carter pictures in this image wins the coveted NO-PRIZE!!!

  20. Kari Tedrick says:

    There are no " non Carter" pictures

  21. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick TOO EASY! That's a gimme. C'mon dig deep! 😉

  22. Kari Tedrick says:

    I would but it was the shortest reply manageable at a stop light

  23. Kari Tedrick says:

    Well obviously the theme is missing, or searching for. I'm having trouble finding just the right phrasing to cover them all, Where is Carmen Sandiego, Where's Waldo, everyone's always looking for the Pot of Gold and the Grail, The Invisible Man, Jimmy Carter- either is Mia Campaign or the Missing Me Yet billboards, the missing Gibson of Peter Framptons, and I can only come up with the missing astronauts for the last one. +Scott Cramer

    (EDIT) Ok I admit it the little astronaut guy is driving me crazy…. It looks familiar like I SHOULD know it but I can't place it. Please put me out of my misery

  24. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick If you were +Keith Cramer I'd be giving you such a hard time! The last little guy is a stealthy ninja! So, for the most part the theme is things that are hard to find because Carter was having such an epic difficult time finding his image. Now, the middle row is a variation from the "hard to find" and the left image and right image relate directly to Carter Gibson. You have… Carter… and then you have… a Gibson guitar. heh 😉

    Anywho… just some silliness! Thanks for playing along — you already earned your cookies long ago! I don't think I can ship a cake. ha

  25. Kari Tedrick says:

    Ah, I've never heard of the Stealthy Ninja. The prize was clearly stated ass the coveted "no prize" so I who said anything about cake? Though I can't say I even won the no prize cause I only got it half right.

  26. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick I'm easy. lol Since you were the only one to play, you can have the NO-PRIZE! There 'ya go. 😐

  27. Kari Tedrick says:

    Wow thanks, just nestle it in there with the cookies

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