Spooky Airplane Ride

So… admittedly I have not flown a lot, but still, I have never seen the aisle of the plane all smokey. When I walked on today to my connecting flight coming home from Maine to Indiana, it was like a dry ice haunted house effect. I know that it was not really smoke, but it was still rather odd, and nobody else seemed to even notice it or pay attention to it. So, of course I snapped a bunch of pics hoping for an #autoawesome  of it. 😉
Spooky Airplane Ride

So… admittedly I have not flown a lot, but still, I have never seen the aisle of the plane all smokey. When I walked on today to my connecting flight coming home from Maine to Indiana, it was like a dry ice haunted house effect. I know that it was not really smoke, but it was still rather odd, and nobody else seemed to even notice it or pay attention to it. So, of course I snapped a bunch of pics hoping for an #autoawesome  of it. 😉

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33 Responses to Spooky Airplane Ride

  1. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    LOL! Flying schoolbuses sometimes have issues. 

  2. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Did you consider that all the other people were devils and it was steam coming from their fragile human vessels, because they couldn't contain the concentrated evil within? Just a thought.

  3. Marc Jansen says:

    I saw the same thing yesterday on a flight from IN to NC…

  4. Bearman Cartoons says:


  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat No… but I did consider there were wraith passengers on board that only I could see for some reason. Very William Shatner and Twilight Zone…

  6. Tiffany Marshall says:

    And this is why I have to take meds when flying.

  7. Matthew DeVries says:

    Just deploy an animal form patronus charm, should clear it right up. 

  8. Erin A.D. says:


  9. Erin A.D. says:

    looks like they are spraying everyone with some kind of chemical

  10. The Huffington Post says:

    Odd! Be safe +Scott Cramer ! +matthew rappaport 

  11. Melanie Mills says:

    this is wild yet creepy….wonder if an atmospheric pressure change caused it?  Like cloud condensation?  I would probably freak out first then contemplate the rational later.

  12. Oliver Hamilton says:

    Was the air super cold?

  13. Zach Pan says:

    or did someone fart

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    +Oliver Hamilton Yes, the smokey air was super cold and outside it was in the 70's. That's what made me think of dry ice. I wondered momentarily if someone had a cooler with a heart in it. 🙂 Then I thought maybe it was something to do with fuel or coolant for the plane… Dunno. 

  15. Will White says:

    The chemicals for the chemtrails leaked.

  16. Kari Tedrick says:

    Were you on an A319 or an A321?  This is common on them. 
    It's just the super cooled wator vapor as they try to cool the cabin.

  17. Ridded Yousuf says:

    I showed this pic to a friend of mine …. his brilliant brain thinks that prolly someone is taking a hot shower with doors open… #facepalm

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick We crossed the line a long time ago to where I don't know when you are being serious!

  19. Kari Tedrick says:

    I'm always serious.

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    But… but… Sigh

  21. Kari Tedrick says:

    But really, it's condensation ( Wator Vapor) from the air conditioner. I'm sure it was warm outside. 
    Boarding planes in Florida summers, this is seen often enough, especially the Airbus 321. Other jet airliners have the same "smoke" along the ceiling and luggage bins.

  22. James Lamb says:

    Were the windows open?

  23. Kari Tedrick says:

    You know, that's a good point!
    Everyone knows those airports are just full of smog!. I'm sure there was a window open and all that smog  drifted in.

  24. Melanie Mills says:

    My dad (physical science professor) said this is merely fog that formed due to the temp difference between inside the plane and outside air temp.  

  25. Mark Rodriguez says:

    snakes smokes on a plane

  26. Kimberly Pound says:

    scary :/

  27. Bruce Shark says:

    WTF! I would have been freaking out running back and forth screaming "WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!"
    Wait…no. I would have asked for more little bottles.

  28. Thomas Jones says:

    Happens all the damned time when youre in an area of high humidity.

  29. Ayesha Imran says:

    Guess its sucking up air smwhere

  30. Luke Toney says:

    Better smoke than snakes!

  31. Jacqueline Hodsdon says:

    It would have definitely caught my attention as well!  🙂

  32. Bruce Shark says:

    +Luke Toney yea…or sharks. Sharks on a plane would be REALLY scary….wait…

  33. Zach Pan says:

    ooooor someone farted…

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