Star Wars 80's High School Re-Design

There were TOO many great images to pick from so I posted this collage. Check out all the images in artist Denis Medri's deviantART gallery.

The collage from top left, clockwise, Han and Chewie, Luke and Leia, Darth and Boba and Stormtrooper, Yoda and Ben, Lando and Greedo, Palpatine and Jabba and Tarkin,  C3PO and R2D2.

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6 Responses to Star Wars 80's High School Re-Design

  1. Jake Marquart says:

    I would so watch this

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Same here +Jake Marquart! That would be an awesome film. Anyone with movie industry power listening? Disney?

  3. Boyd Steere says:


  4. David Barron says:

    Those are really cool, great style.

  5. Mara Mascaro says:

    this is awesome:D

  6. Chris Mallory says:

    Vader looks like he's auditioning to be the 3rd member of Daft Punk ^^

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