My brother scooped me on this one… But I’ve got the rest of the story!
As he posted, we received the following support e-mail:
“Well it had to happen sOMETIME I THINK I ScrewED UP MY LAP TOP I Spilled glue on the left sIDE OF MY KEY BOARD NOW i get indicriminate letter flucuation’s UPPER AND LOWer casE Words IF THIS contin ues MY CUStomers Will thin i have a sEVERE CASe of a. d.d. this IS not going to wORK FOR ME IF THIS connot be deglued i wILL NEED A NEW L T”
And now the rest of the story…
We both thought it was a joke but found out the next morning that it was true. And the best part?
The user spilled the glue while attaching a lucky penny to his laptop.
100% true.
Is it possible that this user is one I know that carries “lucky pennies” in his wallet??
Ayup… 😉
That man…he is such a dork!!
It’s not glue….doesn’t touch it without gloves. LOL.
I *KNEW* somebody would go there. Not that I didn’t think it…