Superheroes Save the Day

Poor Wolvie!

Superheroes Save the Day

Poor Wolvie!


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10 Responses to Superheroes Save the Day

  1. Damian Sanchez says:

    Must be #WolverineMonday , as +Keith Cramer posted a Wolverine-related post.

    I must find my own Wolverine-related post to create today…

  2. Keith Cramer says:

    It's like a virus +Damian Sanchez … I shall find another to post this afternoon then.

  3. Jassmynee Pritchett says:


  4. Dodji Kougblenou says:

    Wow. What about the mother?

  5. J. R. Nova says:

    Why is Batman smiling?

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +J. R. Nova Good call!

  7. Kirsty Nail says:


  8. Scott Cramer says:

    It was a robot clone made to frame Wolverine… I didn't want you going to bed sad. 🙂

  9. Rob Mellor says:

    Classic 🙂

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