This guy posts back and forth text conversations he has with his dog. They are truly hilarious. Definitely go show him some love! Good boy! 😉
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Brilliant!!! Thank you +Scott Cramer
You are most welcome! I'm still working my way through them. Awesome idea.
Have gone through them all, one of the more laugh out loud things I have seen on the net.
My first lol moment of the day. Thanks for sharing.
I love that site!
That's pretty good. Gotta love the dog with the comeback line _"I thought it was an ass hat."_
+Amy Gabriel
did someone say asshat???
Okay, everybody take a drink!!
curse you bro… why you share this for me to waste incredible amount of life on.
+Keith Cramer then never, ever go to
because we just might never see you again, and that would give me a sad 😉
Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Err…
+Mellie B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have so far avoided these links… "It's a trap"
I have not gotten rid of this email notification though. the links taunt me. At some point… I will… I must click.
only the best kind of trap 😀
very clever indeed.