I have no data on the number of Doctor Who fans who are also cat owners, but I thought this was cute. 😉
I tried to think of a good kitty related acronym for TARDIS but bombed. Anyone?
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Might be full of turdis.
Time And Relative Cats In Space?
Cats are time lords. Why do you think they have 9 lives?
TA bby
R ecreational
DI splay
S ystem
I could actually make that. I have the technology.
Tomcats Are Really Drowsy In Sunlight
+JP Fairfield should see this.
+Stephanie V. I really do not need to see this cause I wants it and I gots to have it. Take my money!
+Ian Andrews.
That would be perfect. Nice call +Mz Maau !
+Kat Meredith!
:gasps: I'm in love! Shut up and take my money! Who wants to build me one? I live this thread and vote for Tabby Recreational Display System. Thanks for the +, +Meirav Berale
I can seriously build this. But I doubt shipping would be viable.
True. 🙁
+Shawn Jones You nailed the acronym!
+Lillith Sullivan TARCIS? Hehe… honorable mention!
Building and shipping… Hmm… ready to put together panels?
Cat Is Laying On A Shelf
Hm. But I would be wary of travelling in something called a CILOAS. Sounds very medical. 😉
psst… it's lying on the shelf, it's not laying eggs.
The TARDIS is a Grammar Police Box! Woot!!!
+Scott Cramer shhh… it's supposed to be a secret…