The Final Princess Leia Post

Well played brother. Well played. Editing the footage with the song from Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi was classic. I take some satisfaction knowing how long you had to stare at that in order to get it all put together! Seriously, kudos for the editing. If I am to live in infamy it should at least be well edited infamy. πŸ˜‰

Ah, the poor folks searching for this song on YouTube totally unaware of what they will find… lol

Please make any comments on +Keith Cramer's original post! Lastly, +Kristi Fahlsing made a pretty good Han Solo. πŸ˜‰

Reshared post from +Keith Cramer

Meet +Scott Cramer as Princess Leia Hangout Day – The Video

After losing the EPIC build your own Star Wars contest spearheaded by the one and only Overlord +Halfdan Reschat, +Scott Cramer appeared live in a public Google Plus hangout on Saturday the 14th.

The hangout +Halfdan Reschat put together was a great time, a smashing success, and a day that +Scott Cramer will never forget.

I spent about 4 hours editing together some of the highlights from the video I took during +Scott Cramer's hangout as Slave Princess Leia. It just seemed appropriate that the footage be edited together to the song Lopti Nek performed by the Max Rebo band in Jabba's palace.

It took a little longer to finish the video than I planned, so i'm posting it a little later than I want. I'm probably going to miss the majority of my target users since it's going up so late. Do me a favor and tag anyone in who may be interested!

Enjoy… Especially you brother! πŸ™‚

Visit +Halfdan Reschat's original posts for details:
– The original contest post:
– The (humorous) 1st update:
– The (informative) 2nd update:
– Announcement of the winner post:
– The "Slave Leia" hangout post:

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