TO ALL READERS: When someone asks politely for you to draw them a sheep, you draw them a sheep.
+Meirav M. asked politely to have a sheep drawn ( So, Meirav, here is a sheep.
To all others – whip out some MSPAINT or a pencil or pen and some paper (and take a pic with your cell phone) and post Meirav a sheep. Tell her Scott sent you. 😉
Oh, and I wanted my sheep to be baaaa-d so he's from Breaking Baaaa-d. Remember to tag me so I can count your sheep. Yup. I went there.
#sheep #breakingbad TO ALL READERS: When someone asks politely for you to draw them a sheep, you draw them a sheep.
+Meirav M. asked politely to have a sheep drawn ( So, Meirav, here is a sheep.
To all others – whip out some MSPAINT or a pencil or pen and some paper (and take a pic with your cell phone) and post Meirav a sheep. Tell her Scott sent you. 😉
Oh, and I wanted my sheep to be baaaa-d so he’s from Breaking Baaaa-d. Remember to tag me so I can count your sheep. Yup. I went there.
#sheep #breakingbad
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you are one crazy dude… <3 <3 <3
You're the one who asked for online sheep. 😉
(and, you are most welcome penguin lass)
Hey +Tim Clary …… want to embarrass me with your prowess in thirty seconds???
Dude! That's awesome!
How about a ram’s skull? Close enough?
Yay +Kristi Fahlsing added a sheep!
Well, yay isn't the word I would use for my drawing. Haha! 🙂
+Tim Clary Because it's you, and because I can see how intimidated you are from my baaa-d sheep, I'll take it! Now… +Meirav M. may sick her pet penguin after you; I have no control over such events. 😉
Where's +matthew rappaport been? I think he's in deep cover mode method acting for the Breaking Bad finale. 😉
You so sheepish and I wub joo.. I'll need someone told hold me after BB ..have to watch it about 2 hours after it airs.. Hope no spoilers ! Lol
I meantally drew a scrooge bah humbug festivus sheep in my head too 😉
You know it +Scott Cramer and out n about. Hope BB is epic
That is so hilarious!!
+Jo Lane because she has skills.
I'm such a sheep baaaaa
+Halfdan Reschat and +Fluffy McSharkah Khan because I can not predict the outcome.
+Scott Cramer, I'm not entirely sure why you're tagging Fluffy and me but I guess it either has something to do with the Breaking Bad finale (which I haven't watched yet, so SHHHHHH) or with sheeps (?)?
I'm at work now – but I'll take a look when I get home.
(1) You are inexorably linked with Fluffy. (2) I am imagining very different takes on sheep from the two of you. 😉
+Scott Cramer , I'm still not sure what you're talking about and why you want Fluffy and me to "take on sheeps" (whatever you mean by that).
What is all this talk about food?
cool dude! i like it:)
I drew a sheep:
… and I ate it:
+David Mills is in on the sheep action (& his drawing is AWESOME!!!) but I can't paste his post URL as I'm currently mobile!
+David Mills' sheep:
Thanks +Halfdan Reschat 😀
Love all these! +Meirav M. is in the mutton now!
I am in your internets, eating all the sheep! nomnomnom
+Meirav M., eating other people's sheep is the best!
+Fluffy McSharkah Khan No, it's very bad manners! You should be ashamed of yourself! How would you like it if I ate your dinner?
+Meirav M., but… it was my dinner.
+Fluffy McSharkah Khan It was mine! mine mine mine!
+Meirav M., have anyone ever told you that you are +Fluffy McSharkah Khan are very much alike?
oops… I was hoping no one would find out my guilty secret… I confess. I am +Fluffy McSharkah Khan's long lost twin sister. eat all the things!
Explains the penguin. The penguin is +Halfdan Reschat ! They both have their sidekicks!
Indeed. The penguin is evil, and is intent on world domination.
Just like +Fluffy McSharkah Khan 's Halfdan! It's uncanny! 😉
This is the daily T at WearViral today…
+Matt Ingrouille Wha?! I totally posted mine first! 😀 Cool that someone else thought it too.