VOTE FOR THE LAST TWO – Photo Contest to Mash-Up Keith

The laughter… the tears… It has brought us to this long awaited moment in brother mash-up history. Stumble across this post out of the blue? Take a moment and join the silliness. What is the ultimate +Keith Cramer mash-up? It is time! Ringing the bell, folks. Ding Ding Ding… Let's NOT have a clean fight!

(1) Review the entries:
(2) Vote: +1 your choices in the first 2 comments of this post by adding a +1 to the comment containing your pick.
(3) ULTIMATE WINNER announced after 11:59pm (EST) Friday 9/7.

+Mat Brown vs. +Mellie B 4 to 13
Funny how the "sexy" pics went against each other. Well, Mellie, you came out on top of the world! Now, can you avoid sinking to the depths and being eaten by a shark?

+Mary C. vs. +Kyla Myers 8 to 17
You know what gunslingers? Wet powder don't fire. Lasers melt guns. Shark teeth really really hurt. So, onwards, where lasers go up against bazookas.

Original contest post:
Sweet 16 post:
Elite 8 post:
Final 4 post:

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134 Responses to VOTE FOR THE LAST TWO – Photo Contest to Mash-Up Keith

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    Mellie B. – Pencil sketch from Titanic

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Kyla Myers – Riding the laser-eyed shark!

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    # Normal comments after this point #

  4. Dirk Reul says:

    So, the battle is on grabs popcorn and waits

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    This post is a little late… took a while to fill the jello pool. 😉

  6. Dirk Reul says:

    hehe 😛 Oh well, once the other side of the world wakes up, it will be on 🙂 

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    They should just keep my hours. My circadian rhythm has a definitive European accent. 😉

  8. Lacerant Plainer says:

    Ohhh Shark! ohhh pencil sketch…. I like both…. ok Shark it is. Lazer eyed shark FTW:)

  9. Dirk Reul says:

    How pleasant 🙂 I am always happy to be around people here that keep to my timezone when it comes to their waking hours.  Then again, we'd be writing at work all the time and. wait.. yes.. we do. <_<

  10. Lacerant Plainer says:

    So say we all.

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    Let me just say it. Y'all are awesome.

  12. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I got plenty of sucking up from both so I +1d both.  Neener.

  13. Dirk Reul says:

    The feeling is mutual, I've me so many great and genuinely good people on here, it boggles my mind. 🙂 
    Plus we are also all equally equipped with a naughty streak that is plain fun without going overboard.  

  14. Lacerant Plainer says:

    Falls overboard and wonders why he didn't vote for the Titanic.

  15. Mary C. says:

    Must… consider… before voting ((grabs drink))

  16. Kyla Myers says:

    You should have taken +Kimberly Chapman's stance, Dirk. You shall regret the error of your ways. <evil smile>

  17. Dirk Reul says:

    but.. wait.. you told me that it was okay to.. O_O

  18. Kyla Myers says:

    I lied. 😀

  19. Mary C. says:

    A ladies prerogative, no?

  20. Kyla Myers says:

    'xactly, +Mary C.. Besides, that was for an earlier battle, there was no talk of the finale! 😉

  21. Mary C. says:

    Including the predicted whining from you about the unfairness of it all. 😛

  22. Dirk Reul says:

    … awwwww man! 
    First I get fire from +Mellie B and now from you too? 
    Wait, this is actually a rather normal day for me 😛

  23. Lacerant Plainer says:

    Points out the nuclear bunker to Dirk …. time to duck and cover.

  24. Kyla Myers says:

    What's amazing is that you continue to be surprised….

    Okay, fine, vote for +Mellie B, but if I lose I expect maple bacon ice cream as consolation. #justsayin  

  25. Dirk Reul says:

    Done! You want waffles with that +Kyla Myers ? 🙂 and. can it be coffee-maple-bacon ice cream?

  26. Kyla Myers says:

    +Mary C., I know, right?

  27. Dirk Reul says:

    +Lacerant Plainer I am like the crash test dummy of G+.. I cannot even count how many times I have been fonged 🙂

  28. Kyla Myers says:

    All the bells and whistles, Dirk!

  29. Mary C. says:

    Totally +Kyla Myers! :B
    If he didn't take it so whiningly well… one would think he didn't enjoy eet!

  30. Dirk Reul says:

    You got it +Kyla Myers 🙂 muah

  31. Kyla Myers says:

    +Mellie B and I share so many friends, this may be the least voted on contest ever as they all hide in fear.

  32. Mary C. says:

    That's what ninjettes do best.

  33. Kyla Myers says:

    Or more likely, grab popcorn and heckle from the sidelines.

  34. Kimberly Chapman says:

    +Scott Cramer needs to solicit some outsider opinions.

  35. Scott Cramer says:

    So… how much, exactly, is a vote worth? Remembering, of course, that there will be an as yet undisclosed prize involved.

  36. Mary C. says:

    He's not the man he used to be…

  37. Kyla Myers says:

    +Kimberly Chapman, Scott tried soliciting once but the prison time was very hard on him…

  38. Dirk Reul says:

    Soap on a rope +Kyla Myers ?

  39. Kyla Myers says:

    As I said, Dirk, very hard on him.

  40. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers That is true. And in prison, I developed quite an appreciation for black and white sketch art…..

  41. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Now now now, only PG in here.  Let's all talk about Disney movies.  But not the rapey bits of Hunchback.  Ew.  That's not PG, I don't care what anyone says.

  42. Kyla Myers says:

    All I'm saying Scott is that you have a pretty mouth. Yo, compliment!

  43. Mary C. says:

    Ah… Hunchback of Notre Dame…
    Nothing like picking light hearted tales from authors like Dumas to brighten the little youngsters days eh +Kimberly Chapman 

  44. Scott Cramer says:

    Oh… okay! Why do I hear banjos and Ned Beatty?

  45. Kyla Myers says:

    +Halfdan Reschat voted against Fluffy. I'm so sad for Fluffy. *sniff

  46. Kimberly Chapman says:

    +Mary C. I was still a rabid Disney fan at that point, and a friend and I went to see it on opening weekend, so excited, and we were both drop-jawed at the wrongness.

    I would not, not, not let Peo watch that movie any time soon.  In fact, it's made me wary about letting her see any Disney film without prescreening.  She asked me to put Hercules on hold at the library because they were singing a song from it in theatre camp, but I'm nervous…

  47. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Kyla Myers, I gotta see if Fluffy can handle it on its own.

  48. Kimberly Chapman says:

    * SNORT LOL * <—- actual, for +Halfdan Reschat's pathetic attempt to defray blame…omg…dying of laughter over here…

  49. Mary C. says:

    +Mark Drysdale we can DO that?!?!?!?!

  50. Mark Drysdale says:

    So, am I the only one that will be voting for both of the entrants above? 😉

  51. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I murdered +Kimberly Chapman? That wasn't my intention.

  52. Kyla Myers says:

    Nice try +Halfdan Reschat but if I was you, I'd sleep lightly tonight or you could find yourself sleeping with the fishes.

  53. Kyla Myers says:

    +Mark Drysdale, nope, +Kimberly Chapman already did.

  54. Dirk Reul says:

    Or learn how to cook really quick +Halfdan Reschat  smirk

  55. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Kyla Myers, Fluffy is right next to my bed. Can't we call that a compromise since I'm almost already sleeping with the fishes (a statement you'll take the wrong way, I know).

  56. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Hell yeah, +Mary C., I said way up there that that's what I was doing.  I have to work with +Kyla Myers and +Mellie B has #dropbears  for pity's sake, and wants to lick my brain.  I can't afford to piss either one off.  Plus they're both good pics and an eerily high percentage of the general population would probably happy boink either one.

    PG, PG, PG sorry…I like chocolate.

  57. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Dirk Reul, I'm an excellent cook. I just don't take the time to photograph my food – I eat it.

  58. Dirk Reul says:

    Then you are safe +Halfdan Reschat 🙂 Food pretty much always works as a distraction, you also have alcohol, that helps too 🙂

  59. Kyla Myers says:

    I'm sorry, +Halfdan Reschat, I have no control over Fluffy, you'll have to take it up with him. He keeps licking his teeth, though.

  60. Kimberly Chapman says:

    +Halfdan Reschat Welcome to why I don't blog half as much as I intend to.  Also: when i do take pictures, they suck, because if I had the time and money to get the equipment for good photos, I'd have no time for cooking.

    +Kyla Myers She.  Fluffy's a girl.  She told me.  Then again, the way my life goes lately, maybe that was a PUA trick.  Damn it.

  61. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Kyla Myers, +Fluffy McSharkah Khan does not look very intimidating with a speech bubbles wishing +Andrew Clifton-Brown a happy birthday:

  62. Kyla Myers says:

    Hrm…well, Fluffy does have boobs….

  63. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Kyla Myers and +Kimberly Chapman, Fluffy is whatever you want or need Fluffy to be.

  64. Kyla Myers says:

    Fluffy may well have belched that speech bubble out after eating the last person who failed to vote in her favor.

  65. Kimberly Chapman says:

    So does the man on every romance cover ever.

  66. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Another actual LOL.  Maybe I should go to bed.  I have CPR training tomorrow…

  67. Fluffy McSharkah Khan says:

    Fluffy voting for Fluffy!
    Uh, a piece of +Keith Cramer's head left; OM NOM NOM!

  68. Scott Cramer says:

    Takes out Bat Shark Repellent from utility belt!

  69. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, don't you dare.
    Wait, what is a Bat Shark anyway?

  70. Damian Sanchez says:

    I'm sorry, but the person-riding-sharks-firing-frickin'-laser-beams motif has been done before. Sorry, my lovely +Kyla Myers , but my vote belongs to +Mellie B , (even as I fear Fluffy McSharkah Khan will devour me in a final flash of awesome fury.)

  71. Scott Cramer says:

    The remains of +Damian Sanchez were found today by local police. Bite marks on what little was left are thought to be from a shark. Cauterization of the wound areas is, as of yet, still a mystery. In related news, there has been an upswing of #dropbear related attacks.

  72. Damian Sanchez says:

    Where's my helmet? I know if I find my helmet I'll find my head still in it…

  73. shawn parker says:

    wow…what a tough choice…

  74. Thomas Price says:

    You know… my 'plusses' are worth at least 5 on the scale.. and I'm not afraid to sell them to the highest bidder… Ladies, +Mellie B and +Kyla Myers … what do you have to entice me to vote for you… ( Yes, I will take bribes, and .. well, as is always said, "skin to win"!!  )

  75. Dirk Reul says:

    Well, if you want to see more skin from Keith that can be arranged for sure. The price is still open I believe

  76. Lacerant Plainer says:

    Shark skin? O..o

  77. Dirk Reul says:

    Shark soup?

  78. Mellie B says:

    Sending a PM +Thomas Price !!

  79. Dirk Reul says:


  80. Lacerant Plainer says:

    LOL +Dirk Reul rofl

  81. Dirk Reul says:

    Well, I would not have expected for that to work…

  82. Lacerant Plainer says:

    Yeah me neither – something's not quite right… Is the Sun rising in the West?

  83. Dirk Reul says:

    Naw.. must be something else. There might be a code word involved we just don't know. 

  84. Thomas Price says:

    OOO – the gauntlet has been laid  ( interesting choice word if I say so myself ) … Thank you, miss +Mellie B .  NOW, only waiting for miss +Kyla Myers to respond…..

  85. Thomas Price says:

    Oh, just looked closer at the PM…. There is room for +Mellie B to be "one-upped" ….

  86. Mellie B says:

    XD not bloody likely 

  87. Dirk Reul says:

    I love it when you use British words +Mellie B 😛

  88. Mellie B says:

    I am about 3/4 UK blood.

  89. Dirk Reul says:

    I know my dear 🙂 I just happen to enjoy it when you use that side of you. I wonder where the snark comes from…

  90. Thomas Price says:

    shoooshes +Mellie B  

  91. Mellie B says:

    The Irish/British blend likely makes for a LOT of snark 😉

    +Thomas Price XD ROFL

  92. Kimberly Chapman says:

    +Mellie B _I am about 3/4 UK blood._

    Bathing in it hardly counts, dear.

  93. Kyla Myers says:

    Do as you will, +Damian Sanchez, but I have a very long memory. 🙂

  94. Kimberly Chapman says:

    +Halfdan Reschat I've used that wiki link combined with the n-gram viewer to extra-British-ify my old immortal British characters.  Using the n-gram to determine what slang was actually used previous to certain influential periods in their linguistic lives.

    I may be slightly nerdy.

  95. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Kimberly Chapman, may?

  96. Mellie B says:

    +Kimberly Chapman THAT WAS A SECRET!!

  97. Mellie B says:

    also, +Kimberly Chapman etymology and writing that is devoid of anachronism is HAWT

  98. Kimberly Chapman says:

    +Mellie B Jason just sidled up to you and whispered in your ear, "Too bloody right, love."


  99. Mellie B says:


  100. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Damn, sorry +Mellie B, now Trish is in the background snarking at Jason, "Jesus Christ, why don't you go all, 'Here's your tea miss, chip chip spot spot there's a fucking penguin on the telly wot wot!'"

    She has a way of ruining magical moments.

    On the upside, she approves of the bathing in blood…

  101. Scott Cramer says:

    16 to 15, eh? I think I'm going to add a new rule. You can't win by just 1 point.

  102. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, >100 comments. Just something to keep in mind.

  103. Scott Cramer says:

    Oh yes. Thank you +Halfdan Reschat. +Kyla Myers +Mellie B please refer to my last comment.

  104. Mellie B says:

    I heart Trish, by the way. And that episode of Monty Python almost gave me an aneurysm, I laughed so hard. 

    +Scott Cramer You're a corker.

  105. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I have a feeling +Kyla Myers is about to call him a "bloody stupid git". ;D

  106. Kyla Myers says:

    That would be putting it nicely, Kim.

  107. Kyla Myers says:

    More like feckin bloody wanker.

    Need more caffeine for this conversation.

  108. Dirk Reul says:

    Oh go all full British slang on him, please +Kyla Myers 😛

  109. Kimberly Chapman says:

    You need to invoke that kid from "Hope and Glory" who got initiated into the gang via very British cussing.

  110. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I just made a post get a few more people to vote:

  111. Halfdan Reschat says:

    So give the voting a bit more time.

  112. Kyla Myers says:

    I see you've already chosen, +Thomas Price. No cookies for you!

  113. Thomas Price says:

    Too slow, +Kyla Myers .. and +Halfdan Reschat keeps posting "get voting, keep voting" messages.. I didn't want it to end without my vote!  I can take it back, if you think you can beat +Mellie B 's bribe… 

  114. Kyla Myers says:

    S'ok, Thomas, I'm fickle and I like Mellie, she deserves your vote.

    ? I would do anything for votes, but I won't do that. ?

  115. Thomas Price says:

    Plus you, +Kyla Myers …. PLUS YOU!!  You had to bring Meatloaf into all this…. 

    At least I my database of all of you and the "would do's" and "won't do's" is becoming more complete….

  116. Scott Cramer says:

    Just realized… I didn't vote yet…
    +Kyla Myers +Mellie B 

  117. Kyla Myers says:

    I could let you win at Scrabble, Scott. 😉

  118. Scott Cramer says:

    I win one in 7 or so +Kyla Myers 😉

  119. Kyla Myers says:

    I could make that 2! 😉  Hehe

  120. Kyla Myers says:

    How about care package of home made goodies?

  121. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Offer 'em some of your herbs and 'maters, +Kyla Myers.

    No wait…we like those.  Don't.  😀

  122. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers lol 😉 I'm supposed to send the prize! Too funny!

    +Kimberly Chapman Shh!

  123. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Don't shh me, you…I'm not in the contest any more so you have no power over me. >:D

  124. Scott Cramer says:

    O? 😉

  125. Kyla Myers says:

    My mistake, Scott, but you did appear to be looking for a bribe. 😉

  126. Scott Cramer says:

    Did I say no? 😉

  127. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Indeed, +Scott Cramer.  Or are you implying that you do?  Because if you are, I call your bluff, sir.

    >:D  <— this D has fangs in it

  128. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm. Weighing options 😉

  129. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    I, as well, have not voted yet +Mellie B +Kyla Myers…hehehe…

  130. Kyla Myers says:

    All delicacies are meant to be shared with you, of course, Kristi! 😉

  131. Keith Cramer says:

    Uh-oh… Looks like +Kyla Myers has jumped into a fair lead over +Mellie B … 25-20… I'm on the edge of my seat.

Comments are closed.