Wal-Mart – Save on Grammar

I saw this on my trip to Wal-Mart the other night. So… I wonder how much they saved by leaving off the "s" on "cost"? An infinitesimal amount of ink on an incredible amount of boxes adds up, I suppose. 😉


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20 Responses to Wal-Mart – Save on Grammar

  1. Tony Annechino says:

    Past tense?

  2. Frank Poliat says:

    More likely syntactical ignorance rather than fiduciary oversight.

  3. Lady Fran W says:

    If it's past tense then there is a whole word missing! Not just an 's'. ~lol~

  4. Tony Annechino says:

    What word is missing? Past tense seems perfect to me.

  5. Damian Sanchez says:

    Wal-Mart…known for their low prices, not for their proper use of grammar.

  6. Dan Lewis says:

    If the word 'each' is the principle, then isn't the sentence correct? "It cost the company" sound it a different way: "the candy cost me 75¢.

  7. Dan Lewis says:

    …just my $.75…

  8. Lady Fran W says:

    If the intention is that it be past tense, then the missing word in 'has'.
    "Each box has cost the company …

  9. Tony Annechino says:

    You don't need the "has".

  10. Tony Annechino says:

    That cost me a lot. Past tense of "costs". That costs a lot. That cost a lot more two days ago.  Each box cost the company 75­¢.

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tony Annechino I'm going to go with past tense. That does make sense if you read it that way. Good call. Still, I would have written it in a different format to avoid any confusion!

    +Dan Lewis If we go with the past tense theory, yup.

  12. Dan Lewis says:

    I have to agree with +Tony Annechino , +Lady Fran W . If you get back from the store and husband asks you what you paid, do you say the candy has cost me 75¢ or it cost me 75¢?

  13. Dan Lewis says:

    Either way, +100 to +Scott Cramer for an amusing distraction! Call me silly, it it was fun making my brain work!

  14. Rhonda Stewart says:

    my vote for present tense…add an S.

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    You are most welcome! I found it interesting how I read it in present tense and you guys read it in past tense. I think overall that they could have improved the grammar to avoid any misreading. But, that's just me. 😉

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    p.s. Yay +Rhongo Miant oops… I meant +Rhonda Stewart! But I'm sure Rhongo deserves a "Yay!" too so I'm going to leave it stand.

  17. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    I'm going box stealing then. They shouldn't have let me know. I am taking down Walmart $.75 at a time. ONE GIRL ARMY!!!

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    +Amanda Rachelle Warren It'll be a regular Alice's Restaurant revolution!

  19. Dan Lewis says:

    +1000 to +Amanda Rachelle Warren

  20. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    Already I do bad things to Walmart whenever I get the chance. I'm just adding this to the list. 
    (Walmarts are run on orphan tears.)

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