After the strange +Yoon-Mi Kim forklift drive-by (, +Keith Cramer and I were standing scratching our heads when we heard the faint electric hum of the forklift in the distance again. She pulled into the parking lot and parked beside us mumbling something about foolish Danes in the middle of the road.
Umm… does anyone have a key to +Halfdan Reschat's place to feed +Fluffy McSharkah Khan?
#BigHeadYoon #BigHeadHalfdan #gplususermashup #definitelynotoshaapproved
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I'm declaring this the weirdest thing you two have done 😀
Lmao! You must have missed the "Epic HIRL is Epic" post… 😉
Tag +Kari Tedrick
Was the epic hurl the one with all the monitors?
Hmm… Nope. I'm on mobile or I'd link. If you click the hash for #BigHeadYoon you'll find it right off.
No. This one is pretty weird Scott. Just break this down into separate parts:
1. Let's print out big photos of Yoon and Halfdan.
2. Let's make masks out of the pics and wear them.
3. Let's go outside with the masks on.
4. Let's screw around on a forklift while wearing the masks.
5. Break out the camera and post to the weboverse.
And then you actually did it! LMAO!
Forklifts are meant to be tools for FUN! I'm pretty sure this isn't OSHA approved.
Lmao 😉
True… The other was confined to a hotel lounge with a pillow fight between +Halfdan Reschat and +Damian Sanchez 😉
There's an art statement here. I don't know what it is but this could show up in some contemporary art gallery with the right kind of push.
Yay! We have your head by the way. We just ran out of rubber bands in Indy. 😉
.oO(Oh no.)
Should it bother me that my bro is building a collection of heads? Isn't this one of the first steps on the pathway to becoming a serial killer?
All you #bigheads out there better be on guard.
It's waaaay to late for that.
I feel like my eyes in these photos are have an appropriate WHAT THE FUCK look to them.
HA HA HA! Halfdan dead. HA HA HA!
+Fluffy McSharkah Khan, what is wrong with you?
Ah, that pillow fight…sigh… good times, good times.
Much better time than what's happening right now in San Antonio. I haz a sad-on. :-'(
Wow, I mean. this is the second post I saw after waking about a few hour ago and it still feels trippy. I would also like to point at Luis and go "bwahahaha!" because the fear of Cramer has gotten to him 🙂
I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was mumbling loud enough for you to hear me about foolish Danes. I try to keep my racism to myself most days… uh, anyway….anyone fancy a meat pie? ^__^
+Yoon-Mi Kim A Halfdan Danish?
Beats me. Fluffy hijacked my G+ account and posted that. I have no idea what that means.
+Kari Tedrick, like "a chocolate Danish" is a chocolate filled Danish pastry?
Yes, that is what I meant,
I mean
what I think Fluffy meant.
+Kari Tedrick, deliciously evil.
Drop me a private message or an email with your email address and I'll make you able to channel Fluffy more directly.
A Halfdan Danish that is surprisingly (and annoyingly) talkative…even after a
long and drawn outdeath ….#suspicious
The insult "eat me" doesn't really work with this crowd.
+Halfdan Reschat
I am innocent of all wrong doings!! +Scott Cramer will vouch for me!
+Kari Tedrick, because +Scott Cramer always tells the truth about who is to blame for something?
YES! Exactly! I'm so glad you understand, +Halfdan Reschat
Yes. She is innocent. Pure as the driven snow. In Hawaii.
That 'driven snow' you refer to in Hawaii is Volcanic Ash….
Oh wait you probably knew that…