I was throwing away a cup and stopped, for some reason, to stare at the contents of my office garbage container. Dark chocolate with chile, diet Snapple, Starbucks (tea), and migraine medicine. Yup. Typical.
So, what's in your wallet garbage? C'mon, you know you want to say it like Alec Baldwin…
Capital One Venture Card Commercial "Airport"
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The cap from a 2 liter of diet Sun Drop, and an empty salt packet. I emptied mine earlier…
Umm… +Mellie B, is that addressed to Jim or me? Cuz I could definitely see how Sun Drop and salt is a little freakish. 😉
The blood of the thousand virgins we sacrifice each quarter to keep the hospital running efficiently.
In the recycling: 2 empty water bottles and 1 empty Diet Dr. Pepper bottle and sales flyers from the mailbox.. In the garbage can:paper towels, kleenex, protein bar wrapper.
Nothing odd there.
Nice try, Scott 😛
Check again – there may be an incendiary device under that deceptive camouflage.
Mostly used tea leaves and containers from microwaveable meals. And the little packages from the flavour powder I put into water.
The tea leaves means my garbage smells delicious.
+Jonathan Warden Said with the giant eyeball avatar, that's kind of creepy!
+Karen Elaine Betting I could find some remnants of a super villain "inator" device in there somewhere. I just have a feeling…
+James Lamb O.o
+Mellie B #innocentandmaligned
What's weird, +Tara Mulder, is that for some reason I would have guessed that your garbage would smell delicious. I totally don't mean that in a trolly way.
I wish I had some Lindt wrappers in my garbage/recycling, but at least there's coffee grounds, a coconut water package and a napkin that was with my jalapeño bagel.
+Scott Cramer, it's a good thing I still have amaretto black tea left, or I'd be tempted to sniff the garbage right now.
Almost all that "garbage" is recyclable… 🙁
#innocentandmalignedmyass #wait #scratchthat #tooeasilytakenoutofcontext #yerstillafreak
+Bryan Beck True… guilty. I shall work on that.
Depends on whether you are checking out my office or home garbage. Home garbage consists of bags from dinner. Had a variety of different things for dinner this evening to clear out the freezer! Office, on the other hand, consists of (a couple) Monster cans, peanut butter snickers wrapper, baked bbq lays chip bag, and some taco bell taco wrappers (lunch yesterday).
I wins on the healthy. Err… well, I don't come in last; that's more accurate. 😉
In my defense, I am not the only one that uses my trash at the office. My trash seems to be the one everyone uses as they are passing through. Can you say that about yours, +Scott Cramer??
Umm. Yes. :-]
Misprinted draft newsletter which may as well be entitled "The most drafted newsletter in the exisitance of time" in the recycling. Coffee grinds in the compost. Trash is empty.
A lot of papers.
ha buxx and a diet schnapple ..could be mine!!
Ze laust bruther! +matthew rappaport 😉