Why do you make me stop hating icky winter for a moment with your #autoawesome witchcraft??? Grr!!!?Why, autoawesome? Why?!
Why do you make me stop hating icky winter for a moment with your #autoawesome witchcraft??? Grr!!!
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I think someone replaced my house windows with a google autoawesome display….
Wow for a moment I thought the whole pic was computer generated. Weird. This is the best autosnow pic ever haha
This would be a really nice Christmas/Holiday card…..but after all this snow and bitter cold….It's not F&@#king CHRISTMAS so it's not nice!!!! Whew…just had to get that out of my system. Excuse me. LOL
Would trade anytime! ๐
That's the view out my patio door. There is supposed to be a pond. :-/
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Thank you +Tina Bakerย for the most literal comment! ๐