Why I Removed my Obama Bumper Sticker

In the last two elections, I was all about "Hope". The hope for a better future. The hope for real and lasting change. I am not ignoring that there have been positive, and even historic changes, but overshadowing everything to me through the years is that, ultimately, Washington continues to work for corporations. It is the one truly bipartisan effort that comes from the U.S. political machine. To avoid any argument about "We the People…" our highest court even defined corporations legally as People. Very big, very powerful, very politically influential People.

Mind you, I am not a Republican, nor have I ever called myself a Democrat beyond the casting of a vote. My personal discontent withstanding, I would vote for Obama again over a Republican candidate, though I respect that mine is not the only opinion and I do not begrudge anyone else their choice. However, American politics anymore is about choice in the same aspect that I would choose to have my legs amputated as opposed to my head.

So, hope? I hope I do not get hit by a bus while I am still without health insurance. I hope that I can get approved for a mortgage before I lose my job because I can more easily make a house payment than the exorbitant rent that I pay now. I hope I can teach my daughter the things she needs to get by in life before the "no child left behind" and ISTEP system pushes her out the door with a read and regurgitate education. I hope people stop swallowing talking points from right and left wing media outlets as nuggets of truth and blindly following political parties like professional Football teams on their way to the Superbowl.

One Nation, under the God or lack thereof that fits each person's beliefs, with Liberty that we can agree upon or at least agree to debate and truly work toward a solution, and Justice we can trust for all living and breathing people. Anymore, I just hope for the best.


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23 Responses to Why I Removed my Obama Bumper Sticker

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    Please be respectful with any comments. This is not a forum for bashing dissenting opinions or being disrespectful to your fellow plussers. Thank you.

  2. Carrie Canup says:

    I think you are well within your rights to be disillusioned. There are some serious changes this nation needs to make. No one seems willing to compromise. It's pushing us into a stalemate.

  3. matthew rappaport says:

    I voted for him twice and he has let me down.. I don't even know what the hell is going on and it hasn't been easy for him but he pushes for some weird stuff.

  4. L.S. Cody says:

    Honestly, I used to be a Democrat, and I used to be a Republican. And then I realized we have more than two parties here. In the last election, I voted by following my conscience. No matter what party a candidate represents, I voted form whom I thought would do the best job. It wasn't either of the two candidates this last election, but it was one of the five. I am willing to vote for a different party's candidate for anything, provided they seem to be the best for the position. It's up to individual decisions, but I think it's wrong to only support someone because they are in the same party. That's all I've got to say. Politics otherwise tends to give me a rash… 🙂

  5. Christine Bogart says:

    I have no bashing. I completely understand what you say here +Scott Cramer .

  6. Bill Abrams says:

    Well done. You want to run for office? I'd vote for you.

  7. Len Bennati says:

    A President can only get things done when working with reasonable people whom do not exist in Washington…

  8. Ken Ludt says:

    Well said

  9. Mark S says:

    You're good people +Scott Cramer, I couldn't even bash you if you were backing Romney. Speak your mind, be real and screw any haters that would attack you for being you.

  10. Bill Abrams says:

    +Len Bennati True that a president may not legislate or issue opinions, but as the head of the third branch, he or she has a lot of discretion with budgets, agencies, regulatory, and military matters. Plus, and perhaps most importantly, there is still no one that can command the attention of the press, and therefore the citizenry, with the same force.

  11. Rod Thorell says:

    Agree with all you say. One of the things we need to be further concerned about is how much power the office of President has continued to claim over the last 20 years. It is not new with this President, but he hasn't shied away from using, either.

     I would note, however, that 'corporations as people' is a precedent set almost 200 years ago.

  12. Bill Abrams says:

    +Rod Thorell I'm not familiar with (but am interested in) that previous characterization of corporations. Can you point me to where I might find out more?

  13. Len Bennati says:

    So +Bill Abrams what more do you think this President should be doing??It seems to me he has been doing most of what you have said. The House will not work with him ….What should he do??

  14. Rod Thorell says:

    +Bill Abrams Good summary here:

  15. Matt Ingrouille says:

    I'm a former resident of a tiny one party island government now living in Canada so I don't claim to know the ins and outs of the American political system.
    I would say, though that the problem isn't necessarily with Obama himself but the whole party and system. He's just one guy who can be overruled by the Senate, no? Again, I could be wrong. Where I come from we had Deputies (members of parliament) who represented parishes on the island with a Chief Minister (Prime Minister) in place. It's very corrupt but I think all governments are in varying degrees.

  16. Jake Kern says:

    I'm completely in agreement with you +Scott Cramer

  17. Dennis Harrison says:

    +Scott Cramer , I can't agree with you more. I came from the Republican side, but more and more, as the politicians kept saying whatever we want to hear so they get elected. Republicans and Democrats seem to be different sides of the same coin.

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    Thank you all for your comments and absolutely wonderful attitudes. I'd vote for all of you! I was a bit worried about switching gears for a moment from my norm to post this. I have had such positive feedback in this community, though, that I feel safe and at home to communicate with people here regardless of background or beliefs. Ultimately we are all third rock from the sun. I will go read about the information posted above and when I'm out next I'll also pick up +L.S. Cody some ointment. 😀

  19. Matt Ingrouille says:

    If you can bare you bod in a Leia outfit and gain followers I think you're safe!

  20. Scott Cramer says:

    Lmao +Matt Ingrouille, yes I suppose so. Never thought about it like that! 😉 Also +Bill Abrams a reason I could never be in politics.

  21. Chad Wilson says:

    Once you've been seen wearing a Princess Leia slave outfit..politics is right out.

  22. Bill Abrams says:

    +Rod Thorell I guess it didn't all start out with the "corporations are people too" comment from the last presidential campaign!
    +Len Bennati Great question. I don't have an answer though. One problem is that any tactic he might engage in, such as targeting the provision of services or the closing of military basis in a manner that is rewarding or punitive to the representatives from those districts, will invite payback down the road. He could get the agencies to move faster getting regulations instituted and start flooding the Senate with appointments both judicial and otherwise.

  23. Keith Cramer says:

    Good post. You know my opinion…

    #readytostartmyowncountry   #spotmeabilliondollars

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