I was never a big fan of Zan and Jayna but this makes me chuckle. Also, anyone past a certain age has bumped knuckles with someone else and uttered the words, "Wonder Twin Powers Activate!" 😉
#superfriends #wondertwins #saturdaymorningcartoons #cartoonartWonder Twins Michelangelo Style
I was never a big fan of Zan and Jayna but this makes me chuckle. Also, anyone past a certain age has bumped knuckles with someone else and uttered the words, “Wonder Twin Powers Activate!” 😉
#superfriends #wondertwins #saturdaymorningcartoons #cartoonart
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shape of…god!
>.< I had to look up who the Wonder Twins were… and then further look to see what the "Super Friends" were. I didn't think there was something pre-Justice League. Figured JL had been around forever.
I've got a couple of cartoons with them (and their monkey) in them.
And… +Mark Rodriguez turns into Thor. 😉 "I said God, not 'a' God!" he is heard to exclaim.
+Emily Vitori, this might make you snort!
+Tony Love – Indeed it did, Tony! 😀