You know what’s smart? Eating part of a chocolate bar while laying on your back. In a yellow shirt. Even better, sitting up and seeing a few melting flecks of chocolate and thinking, hey, I’ll just lick them out before they get into the fabric! Then removing the shirt from my – I realized – chocolate coated mouth revealing a much larger brown smudge reminiscent of the big sucker monster from an old Star Trek episode.
Oh yes, *much* better than a small melting speck of chocolate no one would hardly notice on an old yellow t-shirt. But wait… I took off the shirt and hand washed it in the bathroom sink using a soft bristled brush and circular scrubbing pattern until I got the stain out. See! Guys can channel a little Martha Stewart.
Plus, tomorrow morning my tooth brush will taste like mint *and* chocolate! Score!
It’s like fondue …. on you!