Yes +Peter G McDermott It is much better than cats

inkPrefix”>+Peter G McDermott It is much better than cats. I will share it again and again…

Reshared post from +Peter G McDermott

Join the What's Hot Circle!

I'm about to create a circle called "What's Hot" so we can share it around the interwebz, if you think you have what it takes to be considered What's Hot then simply leave a comment below and share the post!

The deadline is 5:00 PM ET tomorrow to be included. Happy sharing!

(Coincidentally, each post is limited to 500 comments as is each circle, so only the first 500 people to comment and re-share this post will be included.)

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17 Responses to Yes +Peter G McDermott It is much better than cats

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Keith Cramer +Jim Gomes Curious to see what he's up to. 😉

    p.s. Mucho extra points for the pop culture reference in this post. hehe

  2. Keith Cramer says:

    I woke up to your notification! I think I'll let someone else take a stab at your pop culture reference. I feel like I'm cheating if I answer.

  3. Jim Gomes says:

    Dang, I think I'm too tired, because I'm not getting the reference. I can see where it is, but not what it's referring to.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Finally, you guys come out to play! lol

  5. Søren Dalsgaard Brath says:

    Don't get the reference. On another note, this could be one of the most narcissistic circles ever shared, so I felt it was important to get into it myself and went and commented 🙂

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Søren Dalsgaard Brath LMAO 😉 I'm pretty sure this is an extension to a post he had a day or so ago talking about the Suggested User List, the Search Your World, and there was mention of the What's Hot list.

    As to the reference… here's a hint. John Lovitz.

  7. Søren Dalsgaard Brath says:

    Damn, still had to Google it. I will excuse myself with not having access to a lot of US programming here in Denmark 🙂

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    Excused 🙂

  9. Jim Gomes says:

    Now that you say that, I can hear him saying it. Still can't hit the exact reference though. Maybe tomorrow after sleep.

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jim Gomes 🙂 You get a pass because you were asleep. Of course, I take away the pass when I realize it's only 1am there. Still prime time! hehe

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    OH! I didn't see your last comment soon enough. Oops.

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jake Marquart will get it. No doubt.

  13. Keith Cramer says:

    +Søren Dalsgaard Brath Best comment of the day for narcissism! I'm giving you the award now, even though there's another 20 hours left!

  14. Søren Dalsgaard Brath says:

    Yay me!!

  15. Keith Cramer says:

    I will be sending the award as soon as the trophy makers are done engraving your name. 🙂

  16. Steve Coles says:

    It looks like an experiment to see if enough people can comment on the original post and share it in a short time to reach "what's hot". The way it's going it doesn't look like it.

  17. Jake Marquart says:

    Anything's cooler than cats…

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