Zombie in the Snow

I was taking some pictures to put together into a thank you animation for a +Secret Santa zombie gift I received from my cuz +LaDonna Pride. Google decided to do an #autoawesomesnow  to one of my source pics. I love it! Thank you +LaDonna Pride for making this possible! Your animation is still coming… It's hard to work from my (hopefully) zombie proof office bunker. What's that? I hear knocking…

#santagift   #secretsanta   #zombie   #funkopop  ?

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8 Responses to Zombie in the Snow

  1. Michele Messenger says:

    love it!!

  2. LaDonna Pride says:

    hahaha! That. Is. AWESOME!

  3. Sean Cowen says:

    Brilliant. +LaDonna Pride you are simply a treasure! Very nice…!

  4. LaDonna Pride says:

    +Sean Cowen zombie something….that is my annual gift to my Cousin Scott!

  5. byron rempel says:

    looks great – lucky guy!

  6. Bearman Cartoons says:

    Sweet pic +LaDonna Pride

  7. Joe Lincoln says:

    As if they didn't move fast enough…just stay down wind before the thaw….

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +Dustin Cochran

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