1950's Empire Strikes Back Trailer

If you've ever seen the old 1950's sci fi movies, this is extra awesome!

Thanks to +Cliff Roth for sharing +Michele Atwater's post of the silent film Star Wars (http://goo.gl/k2Hf3) and +Kyla Myers for pointing it out to me! End credits! 😉

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7 Responses to 1950's Empire Strikes Back Trailer

  1. Christopher Vallo says:

    Finally, a remake I want to see, in 3D!

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Maybe even smellovision! 😉

  3. Leland Flynn says:

    That's pretty amazing.

  4. Skye Delaney says:

    Fantastic. Yes +Scott Cramer a scratch and sniff card could be provided at the beginning of the flick. I loved all the scratch and sniff children products from the 90"s. Was quite addicted, must be why I have such a sensitive nose to this day,

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Skye Delaney ah… the Taun Taun scene…

  6. Skye Delaney says:

    yes. 😀 +Scott Cramer exactly. Addicted, I tell you!!

  7. Marcus Holloway says:

    Music is a bit off, Cloud City was done right in 50s style. 80% on credibility.

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