8 Miles Wide by Storm Large (NSFW)

This will stick in your head. Bet 'ya a dollar. Just make sure you're whistling or humming (ha) it at work and not singing. 😉

Anyone remember Miss Large from being a contestant on Rock Star: INXS from '05? I loved that reality series. EDIT — Oops, Rock Star: Supernova from '06.

Some of the "making of" vids are also great.

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10 Responses to 8 Miles Wide by Storm Large (NSFW)

  1. Keith Nielsen says:

    I love Storm Large.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Nielsen Me too! I'm surprised she's not a lot more famous.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Emilio Boronali Tag. Didn't want you to miss out.

  4. Evan Peterson says:

    I thought she was on the "Supernova" season of RockStar and not the INXS one?

  5. Keith Nielsen says:

    One of my favorites of hers, back when she was more punk: Storm Large (Storm, Inc.) Great Day

  6. Keith Nielsen says:

    She was on the Supernova season.

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Nielsen Oops! Me = brain dead. Thank you!

  8. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer Jesus! …… Thumbs up! ! ! ! !

  9. Rhonda Stewart says:

    singing that at work will get you sent up to HR for some long talks and rehashing of the sexual harassment in the workplace videos. I mean, thats what i heard happened to a friend. NOT personal experience.

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Nielsen +Evan Peterson Yeah, I'm so embarrassed I got that wrong. I remember Tommy Lee totally flirting with her too! I think it's mostly because I could never remember "Supernova" as a band name. Or, come to think of it, a band. 😉

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