Edible images are the bomb. 😉
Reshared post from +Keith Cramer
Here is the birthday cake +Lori Cramer made for our son's 10th birthday. We decided to hide the cell phone we bought for his birthday inside the cake. The best wrapping job we've ever done!
We slipped the phone into a cavity we made in the top of the cake and then covered it with an edible image (thanks +Scott Cramer for the photo-shopping Charlie's face into the Wild Ones image!)
I set the ringtone to one of his favorite songs, "We Will Rock You." After we sang "Happy Birthday," I called the cake. The LCD screen on the phone caused the edible image to light up and you could hear the ringtone playing through the cake.
The cake was hit with my son. Of course it may have had a lot to do with him getting a cell phone out of the deal. 🙂
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