uh-oh keith cramer

+Keith Cramer never expose your brain!

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4 Responses to uh-oh keith cramer

  1. Keith Cramer says:

    Gruesome. lesson learned, I will keep my skull cap on from now on!

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer bwahaha!

  3. Keith Cramer says:

    So, how did it feel to get chewed out by your 10 year old nephew after he saw your Photoshop work? Charlie's reaction to the picture was priceless, and his grabbing the phone and calling you to chew you out was unexpected, but damn funny.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    +Keith Cramer Yes. He told me that you did not like him to see that picture. I told him that you knew it was there!!! It was quite amusing. I knew no good would come of you giving him a cell phone! 😉

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