Request for Comments from Artists, Illustrators (and others, if you like)

Request for Comments from Artists, Illustrators (and others, if you like)

I am working with someone who has a preexisting company logo he likes to use on equipment, brochures, business cards, etc. I would like to give him some outside opinions on the image. The company is a fundraising business and specializes in frozen foods. I don't want to bias anyone with any more information than that. Your honest comments are extremely appreciated.

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3 Responses to Request for Comments from Artists, Illustrators (and others, if you like)

  1. Marcus Holloway says:

    The illustration is fine however the pizza of pizzaman takes backseat to the man.

  2. Sheila Garl says:

    If you hadn't explained otherwise, I would have guessed generic pizza joint. There isn't anything that speaks of fundraising or frozen foods, other than the vague connection that frozen pizzas are popular.

    It's also got a slightly creepy 'too smiley' vibe going. It's not inviting. Colors are subdued, and not eye-catching. The lines are clean, but a logo should sell the idea, and to me, this doesn't show the idea, much less showcase it.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks +Marcus Holloway and +Sheila Garl for the comments! I'm going to re-share and see if I can pull in some late-nighters.

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