Shaun of the Dead by G+ Theater

A little Photoshop fun with some G+ friends across the pond. 😉

+Emilio Boronali +Caroline Evebetty Let's kill us some zombies!


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8 Responses to Shaun of the Dead by G+ Theater

  1. Emilio Boronali says:

    That is pure science-fiction: my shirt is not well ironed…

  2. Gabriel Kennedy says:

    Nice! I like it!

  3. Cora Triton says:

    Scary :-)!

  4. Caroline Evebetty says:

    HOW DID YOU DO THAT WITH MY FACE!!!! ??? -_^ CRAZY !!!! I lOVE IT !!!
    (and … what time is it for you ??)
    —> right in my special gift folder ;))))
    (you are really funny with this shovel ahahahah)

  5. Caroline Evebetty says:

    I laugh because it matches so well with the true characters I do agree : this is scary ahahah
    one word : "Let's go to the Winchester to think about it.."

  6. Kari Tedrick says:

    Love it +Scott Cramer . The facial expressions, particulary on you and Caroline are priceless .

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks for the kudos 😉 Was just having a bit of fun. Hard to find a good head shot of +Emilio Boronali, well ironed or not! +Caroline Evebetty the fun part was building the top of your head since it was cut off in the shot I found! hehe And me… well, nothing like making yourself the oversized guy who gets turned into a zombie. ha! Thanks +Kari Tedrick that shot was taken first thing in the morning with a "yup, morning hair, duh" look. 😉

  8. Jake Marquart says:

    pure awesome

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