Heart Ratio

I don't think it's a foregone conclusion, but I do think it's something we have to actively be aware of as we go through life. It doesn't have to be like a video game where our hearts go down the longer we stay alive.

Thanks +Jaz Emminger for the post! Thought provoking.

Reshared post from +Jaz Emminger

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3 Responses to Heart Ratio

  1. Nathaniel Russell says:

    it only shrinks if you let it

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Nathaniel Russell Agreed. People get too wrapped up in their own stuff and I think the world shrinks into a tiny little bubble just outside their own existence. The further you are outside of that little bubble, the less you matter.

  3. Nathaniel Russell says:

    I've tried to make it a point not to allow others to ruin my life if i can help it.

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