PRESENTING — The "Condiments"

The Death of a Thousand Condiments is coming… How many do you recognize?

Saturday 2pm EST πŸ˜‰

Context (if you tuned in late):

In album The Death of a Thousand Condiments (7 photos)

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26 Responses to PRESENTING — The "Condiments"

  1. Holland Rhodes says:

    i've never used froot loops as a condiment

  2. Dan Wilcox says:

    OMG! I don't think you have enough…

  3. Trenton Ray says:

    I look forward to this, and am thankful that I won't be on the periodic table of condiment.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Keith Cramer +Kristi Fahlsing +Jake Marquart +Marcus Holloway +Tawnya Momeyer +Damian Sanchez

  5. JesΓΊs Segura says:

    More condo mints

  6. Basil Doeringsfeld says:

    I know a hippie that'll take those whip creams off your hands..

  7. Lauren Kelly says:

    parkay? I didn't realize they still made that stuff…ewwww

  8. Basil Doeringsfeld says:

    lol My brother-in-law is a chef. He swears there's no better way to cook hash browns than with parkay. I had some with my eggs, & couldn't disagree with him.

  9. Lauren Kelly says:

    wow. I had no clue it was still made, or that it had a purpose in the kitchen. I'm way too scarred from the old commercials (does that mean they were super effective or super ineffective?)

  10. Peter Garlinski says:

    Meh…no HP sauce…no Marmite. Oh wait…those are British…

  11. Lady Fran W says:

    Are coconut, FrootLoops and bacon really considered condiments?

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Lady Fran W We're pretty loose with the "Condiment" term. A literal translation is probably not the best idea considering the title of the punishment also includes the word "Death"!!! πŸ˜‰

  13. Lady Fran W says:

    ~lol~ Really? There's to be no death?!

  14. Holland Rhodes says:

    what the hell? i feel gypped! Froot Loops and coconut I can handle, but no death? This has been a week long tease!! I demand a refund!

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    +Lady Fran W I anticipate it is a possibility once all the fluids combine and soak into the skin…… either that or super powers. πŸ˜‰

  16. Peter Garlinski says:

    I was under the impression that the condiments would die…

  17. Scott Cramer says:

    +Holland Rhodes How about if I taste the after concoction? That should cause appropriate deathage.

  18. Lady Fran W says:

    +Scott Cramer Oooo, Condiment Man! now we're talking a serious super hero here!

  19. Scott Cramer says:

    +Peter Garlinski They shall in a fit of showery wetness soon after this spectacle tomorrow!!!

  20. Keith Cramer says:

    Bacon?? I've still got a few add-ons at my house! This will be one sweet mess.

  21. Lady Fran W says:

    Might I suggest one sits in the bath?

  22. Holland Rhodes says:

    i suggest a lush grassy area with many flowers near by

  23. Keith Cramer says:

    +Holland Rhodes lol, no lush grassy areas with flowers around here right now. Last I saw outside it was bone-chilling cold with snow coming down. I'm thinking we will be investing in some plastic tarps in the morning!

  24. Holland Rhodes says:

    +Keith Cramer tarps sound like a good idea. Don't forget duct tape and a shovel as well.

  25. Keith Cramer says:

    I'm thinking kerosene and a match! πŸ™‚

  26. Marcus Holloway says:

    Vengeance is a dish best served refrigerated?

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