Classic Comedy Skit from The Court Jester

Truly classic Danny Kaye! Well worth watching the entire movie. πŸ™‚

Dedicated to +Damian Sanchez. He knows why. Unless he doesn't.

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10 Responses to Classic Comedy Skit from The Court Jester

  1. Tracy Thompson says:

    +Caers Mane!

  2. Caers Mane says:

    OMG One of my favourite skits in the world. Def my fave DK one πŸ˜€

  3. Christopher Vallo says:

    Never wanted to be the tall, chisled, leading man, the rockstar or the Action Hero – Danny Kaye was my idea of an Idol to emulate πŸ™‚

  4. Tracy Thompson says:

    +Caers Mane and I had a day of DK love not long ago, +Christopher Vallo. He's one of my dead crushes. <3

  5. Caers Mane says:

    God, he was one of the first people I wanted to live inside

  6. Christopher Vallo says:

    +Tracy Thompson it's not creepy or strange to crush on someone dead? Are you saying that if I crush on someone dead, I won't look like Crispin Glover in Charlie's Angles? Kewl >:)

  7. Caers Mane says:

    Most of my crushes are on dead people.

  8. Marie-Hélène Raletz says:

    What a treat! Thank you so much.
    Angela Lansbury hasn't changed a bit ! πŸ™‚
    Basil Rathbone was a great actor!

  9. Vicky Gallardo says:


  10. Damian Sanchez says:

    +Scott Cramer Scott what a thoughtful gesture…now I feel bad that I didn't get you anything! Thanks!!!

    Ps…I totally get it!

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