Brothers Cramer Star Wars Costume Contest

Courtesy +Halfdan Reschat. Let's just say, any and all ideas are appreciated!

Ergh. On second look at the original photo, those were pretty darn good (wonder if that will get me outta this?!). Except for C3PO's head. I just can't admit that one.

Reshared post from +Halfdan Reschat

Cramer Costume Contest – Star Wars Edition
Yesterday +Scott Cramer posted the photo below, characterizing the costumes as indescribably bad ( Because of his statement I challenged +Scott Cramer to do better himself; a challenge he accepted and got his brother, +Keith Cramer, to accept too. This means it is time for another Cramer Contest:

Objective: Make a Star Wars costume which is better than the costumes in the photo below.

Constraints: As little help from others as possible. Buy as few materials as possible – use what is lying around; be creative.

Contestants: +Scott Cramer and +Keith Cramer

Deadline: Game of Thrones season premiere (April 1st, 9:00 PM EST). Photo of creator wearing the costume needs to be posted, even if the costume isn't finished, by the deadline.

Voting: Determining whether or not the costume is better than the costumes in the photo below is done by a secret, unbiased jury. The winner of the two brothers is determined through +1 comment voting; if this voting is found biased, the jury steps in again.

Loser Punishment: Wear Slave Leia costume in public Google+ hangout and more Google+ ridicule.

Winner's Reward: Google+ glory, including three days of Google+ honor/promotion.

May the Force be with you.

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55 Responses to Brothers Cramer Star Wars Costume Contest

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Keith Cramer as a reminder. 😉

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    Right now, I'm thinking C3PO or Chewbacca. Leaning toward the droid over the walking carpet…

  3. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Earlier they were indescribably bad. But now that you have to do better yourself, they suddenly become "pretty darn good." I do not feel for you. You brought this on yourself.
    Good luck, by the way. 😀

  4. Basil Doeringsfeld says:

    Oh snap! Nice! There better be a 2 minute maximum time to sit in on the hangout, I'm sure there are going to be a ton of people that will want a quick chat with the loser! (Hopefully nothing more… I'm talking to you, Slave Leia fans)

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat hehe I still think they are pretty indescribably bad. Just seeing what I can get away with. ;-D

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Basil Doeringsfeld Twisted. 😉

  7. Keith Cramer says:

    You will lose. Of course, I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose too.

  8. Catherine Maguire says:

    Is this the place to follow the insanity?

  9. Basil Doeringsfeld says:

    May as well make it official +Catherine Maguire :
    #theinsanity = +Scott Cramer & +Keith Cramer

  10. Catherine Maguire says:

    Oh, yes, why not +Basil Doeringsfeld 😀 Here's hoping the notification system can keep up with it this time..

  11. Tiffany Henry says:

    Omg I love this!!! Cramer v Cramer! Please keep me updated, this will be laughable for sure! Lol

    Scott, did u ever do that mashup with your bro? 😉

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry We got caught up in the condiment challenge. {shivers} Then I took some time for his birthday project. Did you see that #baldguy photoshopbombed his gift? 😉 Bottom middle; also a close-up on last pic in the album.

  13. Tiffany Henry says:

    Lol! I had to +1 baldguy's photobomb. That was so awesome, and cute!

    Sorry I couldn't be a part of it 🙁
    Tell him I said Happy Belated!

  14. Keith Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry You sort of just told me yourself. 🙂 thanks!

  15. Keith Cramer says:

    #theinsanity fits.

  16. Scott Cramer says:

    Isn't theinsanity one of those Jersey Shore guys?

  17. Tiffany Henry says:

    Hey Keith! How was your birthday?

    I am looking forward to the results of this seriously. Just make sure you guys post before the Game of,Thrones premiere starts alright? 😉

  18. Tiffany Henry says:

    And make sure I get notified of them AND an invite to the hangout to see the loser in the Leia costume lol!

  19. Ron Shearer says:


  20. Scott Cramer says:

    Uh-oh. We broke +Ron Shearer.

  21. Jim Gomes says:

    So how do I get on this secret Star Chamber of judges?

  22. Jim Gomes says:

    And yeah, those pretty much suck.

  23. Keith Cramer says:

    +Jim Gomes I'm sure an opening for another participant can be arranged… moohahaha.

  24. Keith Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry It was terrific. When I blew out the candles, my birthday wish was to never be required to dress like Princess…again (Is Pocahontas considered a princess?)

  25. Jim Gomes says:

    Oh no. I suck at costumes too. That's how I can recognize how bad these are.

  26. Keith Cramer says:

    Checklist: 50 gallon drum, can of white paint, can of blue paint, large salad bowl, a couple of 2x4s. Yeah. that should cover it.

  27. Scott Cramer says:

    And your Princess Leia costume. 😉

  28. Tiffany Henry says:

    Lmao! Well hopefully your wish comes true Keith! Even though I wouldn't mind seeing either you or Scott lose this one just to see if you guys have the guts to wear the costume lol

  29. Allen Simpson says:

    +Scott Cramer avoid chewy I looked into one year for halloween …and to make it not look like this guys ^ it takes a tin of work and hundreds of $ the prop quality head was around 300$ and the you need anther couple hundy in hair extensions all sewn into a suit. Plus it would be way hot and uncomfortable to wear

  30. Tiffany Henry says:

    Oh and yes, Pocahontas is one of the Disney princesses 🙂

  31. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry The problem isn't if we have the guts. It's that WE HAVE the guts! Lol

    +Allen Simpson Good points!

  32. Tiffany Henry says:

    Well Scott may the best man LOSE :p

  33. Scott Cramer says:

    Just got off the phone with Keith. We capped our budget at $40 out of pocket and I got a rider put in to include anything we can steal.

  34. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    +Scott Cramer can one "donate" stuff to your causes? 🙂

  35. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm… +Halfdan Reschat ?

  36. Basil Doeringsfeld says:

    For the record, I'm on team Cramer.

  37. Tiffany Henry says:

    ^me too

  38. Scott Cramer says:

    Sounds like two judges to me. +Halfdan Reschat I approve.

  39. Catherine Maguire says:


  40. Scott Cramer says:

    +Catherine Maguire Which part?! 😉

  41. Catherine Maguire says:

    Judges part, how does one become one?

  42. Scott Cramer says:

    I leave that to the master of ceremonies and instigator of this competition, Mister +Halfdan Reschat . 😉

  43. Mz Maau says:

    Who is most likely passed out or drunk (or both) by now.

    I'd love to be a judge for this too, +Jim Gomes .

  44. Mz Maau says:

    Also, Epic!

  45. Salvio Giglio says:

    Always epic!

  46. Mz Maau says:

    As in, "It better be Epic!"

  47. Catherine Maguire says:

    No pressure guys hehehehe

  48. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, steal away. And if you actually can get people to donate stuff, there's nothing stopping you.

    Concerning the judges, then some people (secret until after the winner and loser(s) have been announced) will be selected in the week before the deadline (some here from Google+; some from other places who have no knowledge of the Cramer brothers – yes, that is apparently possible). The reason for them being secret is to make absolutely sure the Cramers aren't able to bribe or pressure them in any way.

    +Mz Maau, it was almost 2 at night when you wrote that comment, so, yes, I was fast asleep. However, it appears you know me too well.

  49. Scott Cramer says:

    I feel somewhat like the jury selection for a murder trial… and I kinda like it. 😉

  50. Mz Maau says:

    Thank you, +Halfdan Reschat, for enabling me to feel observant for once. Also, for reminding me I owe a story.

  51. Keith Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat I would never bribe the judges…directly anyway. Maybe I'd find a minion to make the transaction.

    So… donations are ok?

    Anybody have a custume they would like to donate to me??

    +Basil Doeringsfeld I see you are playing both sides of this battle. yes, very smart.

  52. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Keith Cramer, you can't just get a whole costume donated. You need to make it yourself.

  53. Catherine Maguire says:

    I saw the word bribe in my notifications…

  54. Mz Maau says:

    Ahh, a whole new meaning to "March Madness". +Halfdan Reschat , have I told you that I love you lately?

    rich, not nearly as evil chuckle

  55. Keith Cramer says:

    +Halfdan Reschat Just testing the boundaries.. and how alert you are.

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