FINALLY! Rearrange photos and move between albums!

I knew they would get to it eventually and it's here! This just made the photos/albums so much better. 🙂

Thanks +Isaac Sparrow for the post and +Tiffany Henry for the share!

Reshared post from +Isaac Sparrow

#googleplusupdate #googleplusphotos

Hi, I’m +Isaac Sparrow an Engineer on the Google+ Photos team.

Rearranging photos and moving them between albums are two of our top feature requests. Today, we’re excited to launch an album organizer so you can better tell the story of your photos.

To get started, open one of your albums and select Organize album from the Options menu. With the album organizer you can:

Sort photos by time: Click Order by date to sort all photos in the album by the photo date, from earliest to latest. Click it again to sort them from latest to earliest.

Reorder your photos: Select the photos you want to reorder and drag them to their new position in the album. You can also move selected photos to the start or end of the album by clicking Move to top or Move to bottom.

Move or copy photos to another album: Clicking Move lets you move or copy selected photos to one of your other albums or to a new album.

Delete a bunch of photos: Click Delete to delete the selected photos.

Once you are done, click Done organizing to return to your album view. Happy story-telling and keep the feedback coming!

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4 Responses to FINALLY! Rearrange photos and move between albums!

  1. Heather Haywood says:

    Finally! My one G+ wish coming true!

  2. Jim Gomes says:

    They just need undelete! Way too dangerous to not have that.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jim Gomes Right on. They have it for e-mail, so why not elsewhere?

  4. Jim Gomes says:

    They have it in a couple of places. I got burned once when deleting photos. I sent in feedback on it, and encourage everyone else to do so as well.

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