Help a plusser's dried up stream!

Poor +Kari Tedrick's stream has somehow dried up!? Before permanent brain cell damage occurs, we must act quickly! Please, for the love of {your deity here} share a post with cute little kittens to her. I think that it is cruel and unusual but very funny the only way to save her. Tag with #kittenforkari 😉

Plussers don't let plussers' streams dry up. It's plus law.

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Reshared post from +Kari Tedrick

Where did all the Googlers go?

Refresh, closed chrome completely, signed out, signed back in and *still * my stream indicates that other than a single post at 7:29 am, no one has posted anything since +Scott Cramer shared +Aldric Newberry WerdGame post at 7:46 Pm last night.
I find it hard to believe my stream has been dried up for 12 hours.

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31 Responses to Help a plusser's dried up stream!

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    Tag +Kristi Fahlsing +Keith Cramer +Jim Gomes +Jun C +Halfdan Reschat +Damian Sanchez +Dan Wilcox +Jake Marquart +Emilio Boronali +Caroline Evebetty +Laurie Morrison +Sheila Garl +Kaydie Wells (okay, stopped at lucky 13)

  2. Caroline Evebetty says:

    how strange it is .. oO

  3. Damian Sanchez says:

    Bacon-y goodness posts coming her way soon via me!

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    My #kittenforkari submission:

    Post your submissions here. 😉

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Damian Sanchez Oh, but include a kitten! She does so love the kittens. 😉

  6. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    yes. very weird. 🙂

  7. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Scott Cramer you sir are just plain awesome. The damn you created sure worked wonders. Zero posts for a 12 hour period, but since 7:30 this morning it's been moving right along. I felt censored. {gasp}
    Still not a clue where the posts from the night went but now, if I scroll way down, I can see the mischief everyone was up to last night. The damn must have broken.

  8. Kristi Fahlsing says:


  9. Scott Cramer says:

    I am all about the mischief results. 😉

  10. Caroline Evebetty says:


  11. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Jake Marquart That is just awesome.

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    Jake… do we have to go over the difference between jpg and video again? 😉

  13. Jake Marquart says:

    Uh…..damn, I gotta start reading the rules….

  14. Kari Tedrick says:

    Go easy on him +Scott Cramer
    You said to share a Kitty post

  15. Suzy Jenkins says:

    There seem to be some strange things going on again – are they doing to do some new update. Someone lost all their contacts overnight too.

  16. Damian Sanchez says:

    +Scott Cramer I don't think I have any bacon-wrapped kitten pictures, but I'll search on Google for them. Google has everything!

    (Edit) I searched for "bacon wrapped kitten" images and lo and behold, there was an image of a bacon-wrapped kitty! It was a poor Photoshop job, but the image will haunt me for the rest of my life. shudder

  17. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kari Tedrick You know… I did. Apologies +Jake Marquart, will you ever forgive me???

    +Damian Sanchez And you didn't share? lol

  18. David Brown Eyes says:

    I am in.

  19. Damian Sanchez says:

    +Scott Cramer I think if I had posted that picture I could have started a riot and possibly get banned.

  20. Emilio Boronali says:

    Maybe +Kari Tedrick is following to much "Optional Keyboard Users"…. Lets launch a Keyboard-othon ! To give every G+ users the chance to type posts, lets us all send keyboards to the needing ones! Who's with Me ? Who wanna write a moving song?

  21. Scott Cramer says:

    I have some extra keyboards…

  22. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Emilio Boronali Nothing wrong with the peeps I'm following, some weird hitch inthe giddyup is all. I blame +Scott Cramer but that's no surprise since he has already claimed credit for it. Oddly enough, all of the missing posts have reappeared since he "confessed". Of course, I'm at work now and can't catch up on last night's fun, especially since he hit me with all those kitten posts.

  23. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Kari Tedrick I do believe +Scott Cramer is a kind of Computer Wizzard! But he's generous too… Thank gawd soemtimes I'm sleeping while US buddies are having fun on G+!

  24. Damian Sanchez says:

    I think I know what her problem is-she's missing the "any" key from her keyboard…you know, the one that most programs tell you to press to continue. I get so frustrated when the screen tells me "press any key to continue," and I don't find that key, then I bang on the keyboard in anger and that usually does the trick. smh

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    +Damian Sanchez lmao!!! I have some extra keyboards if you need one. I'll even custom an "any" key just for you!

  26. Scott Cramer says:

    +Damian Sanchez lmao!!! I have some extra keyboards if you need one. I'll even custom an "any" key just for you!

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