Doozers in my brain

Do you ever have something just pop into your head out of nowhere? I was thinking about an e-mail conversation I had with +Amanda Rachelle Warren and started chuckling to myself because I was imagining her as a Doozer (c'mon, Fraggle Rockers, represent!) working on her project. So, I went out to find a Doozer pic, and this is what I found. Oh, and Hi Amanda!

Art by James Hance.

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11 Responses to Doozers in my brain

  1. ed chism says:


  2. Christopher Vallo says:

    Fraggles ate dozers constructs…so what ate the dozers?

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Christopher Vallo Perhaps they were a cannibalistic society? 😉

  4. ed chism says:

    i would have to say the Gorgs ate everything ….fraggles, doozers, etc
    they were all just appetizers/desserts for the Gorgs.

  5. Christopher Vallo says:

    Oh +ed chism how horrible! I'm getting work right now on my slick high production value video to show the world the horrors these poor foam creatures suffer!

    I shall call it Doozers 2012 😉

  6. Lori Priebe says:

    If you like James' work, please buy some! He's using money from his sales to pay medical bills for his daughter's health care. Also, he has a ton of amazing stuff on his site.

  7. ed chism says:

    +Christopher Vallo ROFL! how about a Gorg endoscopy for that 'in-depth' perspective.

  8. Christopher Vallo says:

    Excellent idea +ed chism ! You hold the angry little beast while I insert the scope 😛

  9. Christopher Vallo says:

    I was unaware of that, +Lori Priebe thanks for letting me know. To the shopping cart! ::batman TV theme starts playing::

  10. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    Ha, I am totally a Doozer! I am a ridiculous Doozer.
    I think the Fraggle/Doozers were symbiotic…there was actually an episode about that (my favorite) called "The Preachification of Convincing John." When the Fraggles decided not to eat the Doozer's buildings the Doozers overtook everything AND they were sad because there was nothing to repair or rebuild.
    Us Doozers need Fraggles as obstacles to our insanity…they keep us in check. I wish I were more Fraggle.

  11. Scott Cramer says:

    +Amanda Rachelle Warren Love it! 🙂

    +Lori Priebe Thanks for the info! I will stop procrastinating purchasing!

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