Star Wars Costume Contest – C3PO VIDEO

+Keith Cramer and I were in a Star Wars costume contest initiated by +Halfdan Reschat. Loser dresses as Princess Leia, in her slave girl costume, in a public hangout (my costume was ordered this week).

Before the judging, +Kristi Fahlsing and I took my C3PO costume out for a test drive. I compiled the cellphone videos below!

EDIT: I totally forgot to mention one of the coolest things that happened during my C3PO exploits. Before I went into the Mexican restaurant (see the video), a couple and their two young daughters were coming out. The mother asked me if she could take a picture of me with their daughter – because they had just finished watching a Star Wars marathon (her first time) the night before! Unfortunately it happened too quick and we did not have the video recording.

• Halfdan's original contest post:
• Halfdan's wordy and funny first update:
• Halfdan's second update:
• Link to my first update:
• Link to my second update:
• Link to my third update:
• Link to Keith's first update:
• Link to Keith's second update:
• Link to Keith's third update:
• Link to the winner announcement:

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40 Responses to Star Wars Costume Contest – C3PO VIDEO

  1. Tim Shinn says:

    You guys kick ass, I am happy to have watched this unfold.

  2. Kyla Myers says:


  3. Tim Clary says:

    Insanity! Nice job you loons.

  4. Allen Simpson says:

    This was great!

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks! You guys are inspiring, what can I say! We've got some more video of Keith and I together, just not as much. I'll try and get it put up soon. We went to the hospital across the street from Keith's house and got to talk to a few little boys who were at the emergency room. I also got to almost get hit by a car. Ha! Unfortunately we only got a little bit of video, but it's fun to see C3PO and R2D2 together. 🙂

  6. Kyla Myers says:

    Now I see why you've been too busy for games and reading posts. 😉

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kyla Myers I will totally catch up! lol I tend to bite off more than I can chew on a regular basis. I'm itching to get the ninja contest started. I have all the black clothing for it now! hehehe and newly acquired video editing skills. 😉

  8. Kyla Myers says:

    Mmhmm… Meanwhile outside of NeverNeverLand,…

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    +Emilio Boronali +Caroline Evebetty +Rhonda Stewart +Jun C +Damian Sanchez +Yvan Da Silva +Jim Gomes +Jake Marquart +Amanda Rachelle Warren +Tiffany Henry +Kari Tedrick +matthew rappaport +Mz Maau +Laurie Morrison +Sheila Garl +Lilian Sloan

    So… Pretty soon, I'll have two Star Wars character videos under my belt. My personal second choice would not have been Princess Leia Slave Girl, but C'est La Force! 😉

  10. Cliff Loresco says:

    Totally awesome! Should've been a tie!

  11. matthew rappaport says:

    EPIC so far.. watching now!!

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Cliff Loresco YES! Thank you! 😉 hehe

    +matthew rappaport Thank you, sir!

  13. Scott Cramer says:

    The Mexican restaurant was hilarious to me because nobody that worked there would look at me, even after I walked into the bar. Later, Kristi theorized that perhaps they thought I was trying to rob them! lol The Star Wars Bandit!

    I also totally forgot to mention one of the coolest things that happened. Before we went into the restaurant, a couple and their two young daughters were coming out. She asked me if she could take a picture of me with their daughter – because they had just finished watching a Star Wars marathon (her first time) the night before!

  14. Halfdan Reschat says:

    This is, simply put, epic. It is also especially awesome that some young children met you as C-3PO the day after watching Star Wars for the first time. It was meant to be.

  15. Salvio Giglio says:

    A big movie! A job that anyone do if love Star Wars! I love it!

  16. Ralf Sparr says:

    Thank you, +Scott Cramer , you made my day 🙂

  17. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    OMG I love you guys! You are fantastic…both winners in my book!

  18. Aldric Newberry says:

    +Becky Gimbert and I just watched this. I used to be a children's entertainer and I got the strangest reactions from people when I would dress up. It's crazy!

  19. Becky Gimbert says:

    Great job, +Scott Cramer & +Kristi Fahlsing !

  20. Mz Maau says:

    Will have a look tonight.

  21. Scott Cramer says:

    Thanks everyone! The range of non-reactions and reactions were priceless.

    +Aldric Newberry Any pics? 🙂

  22. Tiffany Henry says:

    Someone yelled nerd at you from a car? Did we not grow up yet?

    Anyways Scott Cramer you and Keith are awesome and thank you both so much for the laughs recently! Looking forward to the loser hangout. Scott :p

  23. Scott Cramer says:

    +Tiffany Henry Yup. It was very reminiscent of Ogre from "Revenge of the Nerds". A little less angry, and at about 30 miles per hour.
    Ogre NERDS!

    And… you are most welcome. I'm glad you enjoy our shenanigans. So… hehe, when are you going to join? There's a One Minute Ninja Contest brewing… just saying…

  24. Keith Cramer says:

    +Scott Cramer Your new "costume" should be here on Tuesday! moohahaha.

  25. Scott Cramer says:

    I just can't wait!!!

  26. Ralf Sparr says:

    me too 🙂

  27. Scott Cramer says:

    Oops… forgot my tags. <sarcasm>I just can't wait!!!</sarcasm> 😉

  28. Scott Cramer says:

    Et tu +Ralf Sparr ? Lol

  29. Mz Maau says:

    Kekekekeke! It shall be … epic.

    I still need to write up that post. +Olav Folland offered website/drive space for the project.

  30. Ralf Sparr says:

    No sarcasm needed, this time. 🙂 Gladfully I don't have to dress as Leia, just waiting for a bunch of pictures and videos.

  31. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mz Maau Keith and I have a dedicated web server… just saying.

  32. Scott Cramer says:

    Oops, didn't mean to diss +Olav Folland 's offer! Many thanks!

  33. Olav Folland says:

    +Scott Cramer same here, but either way is cool with me 🙂

  34. Mz Maau says:

    Bonus! Mirrors are nice things to have. ^.^

  35. Olav Folland says:

    Besides, yours may be slightly more reliable. I'm overdue for upgrading the Fedora distro on mine 😛

  36. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mz Maau always staring ar her reflection… hehehe

    +Olav Folland Actually hosted with Liquidweb at the moment… They do reasonable for the price. "Heroic Support" as their tag is a joke, though. Love marketing…

  37. Mz Maau says:

    +Scott Cramer: If your hair was as gorgeous as mine, you'd be pretty enraptured too. ^.^

  38. Olav Folland says:

    I've got a couple of linux boxes in the hall closet. About as home-brew as it gets. The support sucks, but the price is right 😉

  39. Olav Folland says:

    Hair, or hare, +Mz Maau 🙂

  40. Mz Maau says:

    As cute as your bunneh is, +Olav Folland, I still say my hair is prettier than your hare. ^.^

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