Images in the new Google+ layout


Also, ditch the left/right black bars on narrower images; especially where you take a sample of the picture and use it as dim background in the borders you create. Aesthetically NOT APPEALING, no matter what your designers are saying. Sorry if my narrow images offend them and the wonderful new design.

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14 Responses to Images in the new Google+ layout

  1. Jack Durst says:

    Here here! Hope you've gone up to "send feedback" and given them a piece of your mind already.

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jack Durst This is terrible, but I have lost faith in the "send feedback". 🙁

  3. Jack Durst says:

    Don't I know it, I've been a YouTube user all these years. Their send feedback is totally useless. G+ has been pretty good about responding so far, though.

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Since it's not a problem so much as a design #fail I wonder if it just goes in the circular file?

  5. Bearman Cartoons says:

    They can make the background color obviously anything. Why not just make it WHITE like everything else. I don't like it either.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    It's not bad on really dark images, but annoying as all heck to me on most images. I mean, seriously, if I design an image, it's not up to THEM to change the aesthetic of my image! Hate that crap.

  7. Jack Durst says:

    ALL the problems in this new version are design fails, IMO they should fire the UI team for rolling this out untested.

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jack Durst I wonder if they had any group trials where they tested it out? And I mean not just on other Google designers. Sigh.

  9. Jack Durst says:

    +Scott Cramer obviously no one over 40 involved or the gray comments would never have been approved.

  10. Luis Roca says:

    Someone from Google (can't remember… photo person) posted that the black bars are being trashed for the light grey background. The javascript pop-ups were there before too and I didn't like it then either. I don't like it in general but it's all over GPlus. They also have to fix the CSS z-index quirks.

    My understanding is they just released it looking for a lot of user feedback. Then they would adjust accordingly.

    Also: Why you no likey the designers. We no mean you harm. We just make with the pretty mixed with the function. ;-))

  11. Simon Wareham says:

    I totally agree with the post +Scott Cramer but more importantly, I absolutely love Whack-a-mole!

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    +Luis Roca I like designers. Considerate opinion seeking practicality over design designers. 😉

  13. Luis Roca says:

    I like and appreciate the UNIX style (New Jersey Style) where all the features users want are configured, provided and adjusted according to need. — Then — design what is left so it improves the experience, is strking/pleasant to work with and see every day.

    Google didn't do that. Few do that because of demand and rush to launch. I would have loved it if they worked on fixing the features as they were and rolled out design component by component. Overall I like this direction better but, for me it put a brighter spotlight on what needed to be addressed before.

    For the record I like devs … most of the time. … When they just let me design what I want. ;-))

  14. Scott Cramer says:

    Well spoken +Luis Roca. Perhaps I shall go easy on you for #frenemyfriday 😉

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