Your Top 10

+P E Sharpe started this thread. I was a part of +Halfdan Reschat's top 10 relevant users (according to Google). I posted my list on the thread, but after clicking the submit button, I received an error saying I was not allowed to comment and the comment feature for the post was no longer there. Alas! However, I want to go ahead and post my list here, and invite any others to follow her instructions and do the same. 🙂

My Top 10 (according to Google):
01. +Keith Cramer (my bro and business partner)
02. +Caroline Evebetty (big heart & cute French accent)
03. +Emilio Boronali (artist and unpredictable funny dude)
04. +Kristi Fahlsing (my sweetie! <3)
05. +Jim Gomes (the nicest most genuine guy on G+)
06. +Kari Tedrick (quick wit, caring, & budding photog)
07. +Laurie Morrison (one of the sweetest women I've met)
08. +Aldric Newberry (inventor of #werdgame , of course)
09. +matthew rappaport (accept no substitutes!)
10. +Kyla Myers (cake artist and my fav geek+)
Went to 15 (reason below):
11. +Halfdan Reschat (smart. bald. i blame him for things.)
12. +Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado (WONDERFUL painter!)
13. +Christopher Lira (funny interactive dude)
14. +Claudio Ibarra (eclectic and witty)
15. +Carter Gibson (gentleman and scholar; helped me as a noob and the reason I went to 15 instead of 10)

So many more people to mention. I went by Google's order, which I have NO IDEA how they determine what they do. I don't think I could do it.

Thanks +P E Sharpe for the original post! Thanks +Halfdan Reschat for tagging me in it.

Reshared post from +P E Sharpe

Your Top 10

Who are they? This came up in a conversation about a circle I posted that contained the top 100 Most Relevant people in my circles according to GPlus.

Are you game?

How to: go to your circle page. Using the pull down menu sort ALL the people you follow by RELEVANCE (G+ determines this, not you). Plus tag or name your top 10 in the comment thread below. It will be interesting to see if there is a common theme that emerges.
H/T to +Brian Titus.

Pixels from The image below was my final contribution to a year-long image-based conversation involving ~80 image makers around the globe. More info on the website.

In album NANIWA (1 photo)

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65 Responses to Your Top 10

  1. Bryan Liberty says:

    Good for you, Mr. Cramer… I will be checking out your list!

  2. Halfdan Reschat says:

    I'm pretty sure I proudly accept the blame for the things you blame for me.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Because you are gentleman first, rogue second. 😉

  4. Laurie Morrison says:

    Awwww THANK YOU +Scott Cramer that was a LOVELY thing to say & thank you again, for including me in your "relevant" group, but for including me in with such a lovely group of people!! (((HUGS))) You ROCK!

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Tis Google and your sweetness that accomplished these things! I am but a mere pawn to their technology and your sugar and spice!!! 😉

  6. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer feels like it's my birthday! 🙂

  7. Laurie Morrison says:

    ::ENORMOUS DIMPLES:: Well whatever the reason +Scott Cramer thank you for the LOVELY compliments, Sir! (((HUGS)))

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    +Emilio Boronali Then you are required to wear the suit to work. 😉 hehe

  9. Jim Gomes says:

    Hmmm… Very interesting. I didn't know that Google was ranking people in my circles. I'll have to check it out. I may not post what it has ranked for me, because I don't necessarily reveal publicly everyone that I circle. And what does "relevant" even mean?

  10. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott Cramer Errrr Wich suit? (I'm wearing today my NYC hoodie my sweet gal just brought me back from NYC, so everybody at the office knows it's my day off! )

  11. Bearman Cartoons says:

    I don't get the relevance thing. It seems like it is based on the first people to interact with me versus the ones that do the most. Several in my top 15 I haven't heard from in months.

  12. Jim Gomes says:

    +Scott Cramer I like reading over your list. And thank you very much for the kind description. I know that came from you, and not Google. 🙂

  13. matthew rappaport says:

    Awesome +Scott Cramer matter what plus says.. you're relevant to me! :L

  14. matthew rappaport says:

    Awesome +Scott Cramer matter what plus says.. you're relevant to me! :L

  15. matthew rappaport says:

    Awesome +Scott Cramer matter what plus says.. you're relevant to me! :L

  16. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Interesting. From what +Bearman Cartoons said, I also wonder how Google determines people in a "relevant" order.

  17. Caroline Evebetty says:

    oh so cuuuuuute ^^

  18. Aldric Newberry says:


    Swallowing the last bit of mac and cheese and then wadhing his hands..

    Thanks +Scott Cramer ! I am honored to be on this list!

  19. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Bearman Cartoons and +Kristi Fahlsing, I was told that the "relevance" was the people whose posts you +1, reshare, and comment on the most. In addition to this there's also valued the number of mails you've sent to them, which is why some people have non-active Google+ in the top of their "relevance" lists.

  20. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Ah I see. Ok thanks +Halfdan Reschat

  21. Bearman Cartoons says:

    +Halfdan Reschat That may be true but mine is made up of several people who I haven't interacted with for months and a few I didn't interact with much even then. So I wonder when they update it.

  22. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Bearman Cartoons, if the "relevance" is according to "all time" then perhaps that is the reason why yours haven't changed. The people in my list change quite often (perhaps even several times in a week if my memory serves me right).

  23. Bearman Cartoons says:

    +Halfdan Reschat And in my case there are people I have interacted with way more from the point I started that are not near the top of the list.

  24. Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado says:

    Wow, thank you so much +Scott Cramer for including me in your list! You are very kind and generous 🙂

  25. Kari Tedrick says:

    I wonder how G+picks these. What makes one the number one relevant person in my circles? It can't be the number of crcles they are in, or how often I interact with them, because Dan Soto is listed before Jim Gomes, and though I follow Dan Soto, I don't talk to him or comment on his posts.
    So here's my list:
    1. +Scott Cramer Huh. Imagine that.
    2. +Dave Hartman twisted sense of humor with totally random posts.
    3. +Keith Cramer Not sureporsed there either, just a cool as his brother, only more subtle
    4. +Aldric Newberry Fun guy with great tastes
    5. +Claudio Ibarra Weird, what's he doing in there? Oh that's right . I like him too.
    6. +Michael Andersson Keeps me in stitches
    7. +Jered Dawnne another twisted sense of humor with an nice touch of softy included
    8. +David Federlein He still talks to me even though I ate his cats
    9. +Aaron Wood One of my first circles, though I can'tr say we interact much. He's talented though, so I stalk him frequently.
    10. +Dan Soto – yeah, this one doesn't make any sense at all.
    Then I have +Darren Humphries followed by +Gary Crawford my two favorite photographers. I even bought one of their prints.
    Next comes +Jim Gomes who by all rights should be up in the top 3 slot with the Cramer Brothers
    Number 14 is +Gerard Carney , my Boo so that makes sense.
    Followed by +Tiffany Wolfe she's just insane, and therefore insanely funny.
    Then my secret weapon, +Mike Elgan Who has the dubious honor of being the very first person I circled.

    So I guess the moral of this story is, as usual, I don't agree with whatever algorithm they are using

  26. Dave Hartman says:

    Here's my liszt:

    1. +Annika O'Brien (Lovely Android)
    2. +Claudio Ibarra (Human centipede with less legs)
    3. +Caers Mane (Bomber)
    4. +Jered Dawnne (The most human human)
    5. +Brianne Villano (Detached my retina)
    6. +Matt Gantner (Threw something at me the other day)
    7. +Gisel Ocañas (Has eyes. EYES. Lovely EYES)
    8. +Tony Escobales (Logic extraordinaire)
    9. +Michael Andersson (Has an evil twin)
    10. +Liz Krane (Lovely books on head person)

    If I didn't mention you it's not a slight, so suck it!

  27. Matt Gantner says:

    Top Ten – Winning!

  28. Kyla Myers says:

    w00t! I made the top 10. Heh.

    +Scott Cramer You're my huckleberry! 😉

  29. Keith Cramer says:

    I have people in my list that aren't even using G+. I think it's using gmail activity add part of the algorithm, because I do interact in email a lot with them.

  30. Kyla Myers says:

    +Keith Cramer Same here.

  31. Jim Gomes says:

    So, I've been tracking this over the last several days. I took a snapshot of my top Relevent users on 13 April, then again on 16 April, and just now on 17 April. There were some dramatic movements, and others stayed in the same position. I really can't say how this is calculated or how it is weighted. In any case, I will share a bit of what Google has sorted for me. This may or may not reveal anything about me.

    On 13 April
    1. +Scott Cramer (best wookie slave Leia, evar!!)
    2. +Keith Cramer (stole the secret plans to the costumes)
    3. +Mike Elgan (what can I say? He's the Man.)
    4. +Kari Tedrick (awesome photo graces my desktop daily)
    5. +Jack Hardman (the meme machine)
    6. +Mz Maau (pretty in pink)
    7. +Breaking News (what? where? when?)
    8. +Luis Roca (i crush the cuteness)
    9. +Rick Navarro (Rickdiculous)
    10. +Top 10.5 (just a little funnier)
    11. private
    12. +M Sinclair Stevens (?????!)

    On 16 April
    +Jack Hardman and +Kari Tedrick swapped places. What was most interesting was the fact that +Caroline Evebetty jumped from 23rd to 17th!

    On 17 April
    +Mz Maau comes roaring up on a pink pony to take over the #4 spot.

    So, what does it mean? No idea.

  32. Kari Tedrick says:

    All I know is that when I type the plus sign my phone automatically brings up the name scott

  33. Mz Maau says:

    Bahahahaha! I've actually been obsessing over my relevance listing for 3 months now, but I hadn't thought to do regular snapshots. I can tell you who my top 3 have been the entire time. I'll post my list in a bit.

    <3 you, +Jim Gomes!

    +Halfdan Reschat: Thanks for the explanation, I'd been trying to figure that one out.

  34. Kari Tedrick says:

    +Jim Gomes you say the sweetest things

  35. Keith Cramer says:

    Number 11 makes you look all mysterious and stuff +Jim Gomes

  36. Jim Gomes says:

    Yeah that's me. International Man of Mystery. Well, at least intercounty.

  37. Kari Tedrick says:

    I'm not allowed to talk about +Jim Gomes's mysteriousness

  38. Mz Maau says:

    I'll give you International, Jim. G+ is an international community, after all.

  39. Keith Cramer says:

    Sorry +Jim Gomes. I hope I haven't compromised the location of your Gomes-cave or tarnished your billionaire playboy image! 🙂

  40. M Sinclair Stevens says:

    +Jim Gomes ???????????I don't think anyone's ever called me that before. Usually it's ????

  41. Mz Maau says:

    As long as +Jim Gomes doesn't suddenly reveal he's one of my IT frenemies, or worse yet, The Dev, I don't care how mysterious he is.

  42. Jim Gomes says:

    +M Sinclair Stevens ????????. I guess that description fits, too.

  43. Jim Gomes says:

    (pssst nobody tell +Mz Maau that I'm a programmer. K thx.)

  44. Mz Maau says:

    If you're The Dev, Jim, you're in trouble. You know too much.

    Oh crap. I'd be in trouble. Hershmargle! Don't give me palpitations like that!

  45. Jim Gomes says:

    It's all cool.

  46. Mz Maau says:

    Oh dear wibblesticks. Ringing in the paranoia early this month, are we? Is this payback for Unicorn Man?

  47. Jim Gomes says:

    Naaah, I don't carry grudges. I'm just mysterious.

  48. Mz Maau says:

    Still nervous …

  49. Breaking News says:

    So happy to see all of this love for +Jim Gomes — he is one of our favorite contributors over on the BN page and a great community member. Three cheers for +Jim Gomes! -Amy

  50. Breaking News says:

    FWIW, here's our "Relevance" list, according to the G+ algorithm:
    #1 +Louis Gray
    #2 +Rupert Wood
    #3 +NBC News
    #4 +Vic Gundotra
    #5 +Robert Scoble
    #6 +Google+
    #7 +Google Politics & Elections
    #8 +Mike Elgan
    #9 +Jim Gomes
    #10 +Newsweek and The Daily Beast

  51. Jim Gomes says:

    Thanks +Breaking News (Amy)! Right back at you. 🙂 Wow, just saw your Relevance list. What a surprise! Feel like I'm playing in the big leagues.

  52. Rupert Wood says:

    Interesting that i made number 2 on +Breaking News list, especially as I'm nowhere near being a big noise on G+, suspect it may be down to very early engagement & shares of their stuff! Thanks Amy 😉

  53. Breaking News says:

    Thank you, +Rupert Wood!

  54. Jim Gomes says:

    +Rupert Wood the weighting system for the Relevant list is quite a puzzle. Did your tag of +Breaking News and the subsequent tag-back just strengthen the Relevant connection between you two? Apparently, +Halfdan Reschat has been working on gaming the system a bit. Although I'm not sure what the prize is for "winning."

  55. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Jim Gomes, I'm confused. What system, how, and for what purpose?

  56. Rupert Wood says:

    Hi +Jim Gomes I suspect that being mentioned in comments by BN was a large factor, and I know they have done so a few times, not sure if I was ever mentioned directly in a post by them. I have shared their stuff and directly mentioned in a post. Though I suspect the system will be as hard to game as the usual Google Search Algorithm for appearing as a page 1 result!

  57. Jim Gomes says:

    +Halfdan Reschat hmmm… I got the impression that you gave some tips to +Mz Maau on how to affect the Relevant list. Guess I got that wrong. Sorry about that.

  58. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Jim Gomes, one can only affect one's own relevance list. So unless I hold a gun to someone's head and forces them to +1, share, and comment on my posts, I don't see how I can affect other people's relevance lists. Other than posting interesting and intriguing content which they want to engage with, of course.

  59. Mz Maau says:

    Yup. Never meant others' relevance listings. I only care about wonkifying my own.

  60. Jim Gomes says:

    +Halfdan Reschat yeah, that's the part I meant. I didn't mean to imply that you found a way to affect others' lists. I don't even know how to affect my own list.

  61. Jim Gomes says:

    Upon reflection, I think one can affect both sides of the equation. For instance, +Rupert Wood stated that he commented and reshared posts from +Breaking News , but +Breaking News did not directly mention him. These actions taken by someone affected another's Relevant list in an apparently uni-lateral direction.

  62. Rupert Wood says:

    did I not say that I got mentioned by them in comments? This could well be a factor – also, another factor is when this 'relevance' is created. For instance in my list, I have one person who was reasonably active months ago, and used to plus my shares of their stuff and occasionally leave a comment, but been months since that sort of interaction levels, and they only posted 3 times in the last month! Also, BN appeared quite high in my list and there's been little interaction in the last couple of months between us :s

  63. Jim Gomes says:

    Ahh, yes you did say that you were mentioned in comments. It was the not being mentioned in the original post that caught my eye. I'm not sure if there would be a weighting difference between original post or comment mention. It's very hard to see how Google is making these connections, or what the decay rate of relevancy is.

  64. Mz Maau says:

    It can be fought, with effort. I've done it.

  65. Jim Gomes says:

    Earlier tonight, I flipped this around, and looked at the end of the Relevant list to see who Google calculated to be the most irrelevant. Still made no sense. The guy at the end was actually kind of interesting.

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