My Princess Leia fate is upon me today

I do not have enough time for the required stomach crunches for this punishment. I apologize in advance.

Lucky for me the only costume available for purchase was more conservative than the near-naked Carrie Fisher from the movie! Not to worry. I still looked ridiculous when I tried it on last night. +Kristi Fahlsing can vouch.

Please comment on Keith's original announcement.

Reshared post from +Keith Cramer

Meet +Scott Cramer as Princess Leia Hangout Day

Today is the day. At 4PM EST, +Scott Cramer will be appearing live via Google Hangout in his Slave Princess Leia costume after losing the EPIC build your own Star Wars costume contest spearheaded by the one and only Overlord +Halfdan Reschat.

Here is the countdown til hangout time (roughly 4 hours right now!):

Here are all the photos I had on my cell phone from the costume build. I'll have to get all of +Scott Cramer's photos added to the album later.

Thanks everyone for all the comments and laughs throughout the entire process. As you probably have figured out by now, +Scott Cramer and I are up for most anything and tend not to take ourselves too seriously.

Anyway, I hope to see as many of you as possible this afternoon. +Halfdan Reschat will be posting some details about the live-stream version of the video later today for anyone who cannot get into the hangout. I will share his post once he has it out there. Unfortunately none of us have the on-air hangout feature yet. 🙁

I am notifying my favorite 48 circle with this post. Please forgive me if you aren't interested, direct notifying people is not something I normally do.

In album Star Wars Costume Contest (63 photos)

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