Google BBS Terminal

This is what Google would have looked like in the 80's. Remember dial-up bulletin boards and 300 baud, 1200 baud, 2400 baud, and eventually 9600 baud blazing fast modems?! I used to run a bulletin board named ShadowNet back in the mid to late 80's with +Keith Cramer so I sure do! This was a blast from the past for me. For you folks too young, take a look at what we used to have to deal with before the Internet and World Wide Web. 😉

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16 Responses to Google BBS Terminal

  1. Kimberly Unger says:

    This would have been awesome to have back when I still used a 1200baud dial-up 😉

  2. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    Admittedly, I was a bit young to be using computers much in the 80's…

  3. Rooban Devadoss says:

    I feel ya

  4. Claude Rieth says:

    I actually build my first 300baud with acoustic-couplers myself from plans I had designed. Wrote the assemblee serial code also, the Commodore 3032 (PET) didn't have any rs232 interface nor code… Good ol' Memories… 🙂

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kristi Fahlsing True… here you go! Something more appropriate for you! 😉

  6. Allen Simpson says:

    I remember using bbs in the early 90s when my folks got their first pc with a modem.

  7. William McGarvey says:

    And I used a TI Silent 700 (with thermal paper) to link at 300 baud to an IBM 360 in '78 — damn! I am an old fart…

  8. Rod Thorell says:

    These whippersnappers don't know what 'lagging' really is…

  9. Steve Yelvington says:

    Before there was a Web, there was an Internet, and on that dark and spooky text-mode internet was a globally linked menu system called Gopher, cataloging resources like databases and file archives and even news wires.

    Somebody put together a searchable database of downloadable file archives and named it Archie, so naturally the first search engine that indexed Gopher menus had to be called Veronica.

    Gopher was quickly eclipsed by the Web once browsers learned to handle inline graphics, but the even the first Web browsers also were Gopher browsers.

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    +Steve Yelvington I remember all of that! Seems like forever ago, and yet not so much!

  11. Roger Murley says:

    Hey… What's this 'used to run a BBS stuff?' telnet to

  12. Scott Cramer says:

    Will have to look when I'm off mobile. It's not coming up.

  13. Brendan Farrell says:

    Man, this takes me back

  14. Keith Cramer says:

    My favorite user handle from the old BBS days was "Slo Mo." He had a 300 baud modem. You could almost read faster than the text could appear on the screen.

  15. Paul Strandlund says:

    This takes me back to 1987! Wow. Now if only someone would make Twitter look like Relay.

  16. Marcus Holloway says:

    Aw man! I got F5'd.

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