Ski Hoth

Did I mention that I found a cool Flickr photostream?

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14 Responses to Ski Hoth

  1. Luis Gibb says:

    That is petty damn cool!

  2. Claudio Ibarra says:

    +Anthony Curreri (just in case there's a chance this misses your stream… I know you'll enjoy these).

    I wonder if there's any competition out there for "Biggest Star Wars Nerd". That's a slap fight I'd love to see.

  3. Anthony Curreri says:

    +Claudio Ibarra LOL

  4. Anthony Curreri says:

    +Claudio Ibarra When I went to BestBuy to buy Star Wars Kinect on the release day, I was behind a guy buying the entire Star wars Xbox bundle. He was also wearing a Star Wars hat, shirt & had a Star Wars wallet. He definitely had the "I still live in my mothers basement" look. I said to myself….. God I hope I'm not that geeky looking…..

  5. Claudio Ibarra says:

    That's a common feeling, +Anthony Curreri. For example, I really like Doctor Who, but some fans just make me embarrassed for the whole series.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Anthony Curreri +Claudio Ibarra DITTO!

  7. Anthony Curreri says:

    +Claudio Ibarra +Scott Cramer I think by now it's pretty evident how much I love Star Wars……. but I would NEVER even think of going to a convention or something dressed like Obi Wan.

  8. Claudio Ibarra says:

    +Anthony Curreri Obviously, you'd go as Jar Jar.

  9. Scott Cramer says:

    +Claudio Ibarra Yousa really no say that?!

  10. Anthony Curreri says:

    +Claudio Ibarra +Scott Cramer Jar Jar????? I was thinking Leia gold bikini actually.

  11. Claudio Ibarra says:

    Goddamitsomuch where'd I put that eye bleach?

  12. Anthony Curreri says:

    +Claudio Ibarra LOL

  13. Scott Cramer says:


  14. Kyla Myers says:

    +Anthony Curreri, I think +Scott Cramer beat you to that costume.

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