Llama say "What?!"

I added this picture to the end of a business document today. Because I could.


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8 Responses to Llama say "What?!"

  1. Jacqueline Hodsdon says:

    Best laugh of the day +Scott Cramer !! Love it! 🙂

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    +Jacqueline Hodsdon Glad to help! All it takes is a llama and some wherewithal. 😉

  3. Donna Randall says:

    Folks who know about Llamas with Hats understand LOL. For those of you who don't, look it up on YouTube.

  4. Chad W Darroch says:

    This is definitely going in my file of graphics placeholders for work files 😀

  5. James Thoenes says:

    I've seen that face in the mirror, I'm sure of it.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Donna Randall LOL

    +Chad W Darroch Placeholder nothing. Final copy. 😉

  7. Aldric Newberry says:

    Emperor's New Chew..

  8. Chad W Darroch says:

    +Scott Cramer It's all about creating memorable impact – this would do that for sure. I wonder…

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