Ziplining at Mega Cavern

Fun with +Kristi Fahlsing and +Kenrick Rawlings. Really cool but make sure no one in your group is afraid of heights!

Please comment on original post. 🙂 Thanks +Kristi Fahlsing for posting.

Reshared post from +Kristi Fahlsing

Mega Cavern Mega Zips

+Kenrick Rawlings, +Scott Cramer, and I went to the Mega Cavern to ride the mega ziplines and walk the wobbly suspension bridges. One word to describe the experience…AWESOME!

We were unable to bring our phones on the fantastic tour due to possibly dropping them 85+ feet…so there aren't any pics from inside the cave….so I guess each and every one a ya's gotta experience the fantasticness yourselves! 🙂

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1 Response to Ziplining at Mega Cavern

  1. Kyla Myers says:

    That looks like fun!

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