Lunch Sauces

Which did +Keith Cramer pick and which did I pick?! 😉

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10 Responses to Lunch Sauces

  1. Christopher Poirier says:

    firehouse subs FTW

  2. Aldric Newberry says:

    You must've picked the Elvis sauce +Scott Cramer

  3. Mary C. says:

    Captain Sorensen's for +Keith Cramer and Elvis for +Scott Cramer? 

  4. Scott Cramer says:

    Dang! Am I that obvious?! I picked Elvis and Keith picked Captain Sorensen as our main sauces. Nice job, peeps!

    Elvis, btw, should have been a 5 on hotness, but there was good flavor.

  5. Mary C. says:

    I figured you were an Elvis fan as you have similar love for attention-grabbing wardrobes +Scott Cramer! 😉
    And Firefighters are awesome and hot… both qualities which would suggest it to be a tasty tasty bar-b-q sauce experience.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mary C. Similar love for attention-grabbing wardrobes.. lmao 😉

  7. Aldric Newberry says:

    Hahaha.. it was a lucky guess for me +Scott Cramer ..

  8. Keith Cramer says:

    I actually picked up both the Captain Sorensen's AND Pappy's White Lightning. I only used the White Lightning though. Very tasty.

    I'll give you half points +Mary C. …or actually full points for +Scott Cramer and half points for me, so I guess that would be 3/4 points. yeah, we'll go with that.  🙂

  9. Amanda Rachelle Warren says:

    I would take the Pappy's White Lightning. 

  10. Keith Cramer says:

    It was pert good shtuff.

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