Eye Floaters

I have always wondered about this but never looked it up. I just happened to stumble across it the other day.

From the link below:
Floaters are deposits of various size, shape, consistency, refractive index, and motility within the eye’s vitreous humour, which is normally transparent. At a young age the vitreous is perfectly transparent but, during life, imperfections gradually develop. The common type of floater, which is present in most people’s eyes, is due to degenerative changes of the vitreous humour. The perception of floaters is known as myodesopsia. Floaters are visible because of the shadows they cast on the retina or their refraction of the light that passes through them, and can appear alone or together with several others in one’s field of vision. They may appear as spots, threads, or fragments of cobwebs, which float slowly before the observer’s eyes. Since these objects exist within the eye itself, they are not optical illusions but are entoptic phenomena.


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32 Responses to Eye Floaters

  1. Tan Anh Tran says:

    no idea what are those things.
    They're floating on my eyes.

  2. Sanna Caduri says:

    Agh, they can be annoying as heck.

  3. J. Hancock says:

    I have some serious vision problems as a result of a brain aneurysm that burst 15 years ago.  one of those problems is that I have so many 'floaters' in one eye that one Dr calls them my 'herd of camels'.  =P

  4. Sanna Caduri says:

    Oh, sorry to hear this. Must be driving you nuts some days.

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    +J. Hancock It's pretty cool you are so light hearted about it. Sorry about the camels, but glad you are okay!

  6. J. Hancock says:

    LOL!  yes, but what can you do? 

    oh, wait, yes… I was told I could have a 'vitriousectomy'… doesn't that sound like fun!

    I can read by flicking my eye to the side, and reading fast before the herd reaches the center of my vision again!

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    Not to be flippant, but I thought you said "vasectomy" for a second there… Was going to suggest a second opinion! 😉

  8. J. Hancock says:

    +Scott Cramer: 1% of people with that kind of aneurysm that burst survive.  95% die within the firt 5 minutes.

    what's a little blindness compared to all the other odds?

    LOLOLOL!  yes, in that case I would think my DR was the one who was blind!

  9. Sanna Caduri says:

    Ugh, no that doesn't sound like something one likes to have. I am not even trying to google it, since I am the kind of person you searches something in a medical dictionary with the optical equivalent of fingers in the ears and singing 'Lalalala'. lol

  10. Scott Cramer says:

    I would count my blessings too! Thanks for sharing!

  11. J. Hancock says:

    I 'could' explain the procedure, but this is +Scott Cramer's thread, and some people may not like to read the details!

  12. J. Hancock says:

    ah yes, +Scott Cramer, count your blessings… one of which is your vision!

  13. J. Hancock says:

    and a laugh for you guys?  I am also 40% blind, and when people hear that they say "But you look fine to me!"


  14. Sanna Caduri says:

    Dear gods. People can be sooo … daft.
    Kudos to you, for managing and having a damn sense of humour, too.

  15. Scott Cramer says:

    Ah, the things people say when they don't know what to say! I guess they expect dark glasses and a white-tipped cane. Or a dog. Yeah, definitely a dog. 40% gets you a Chihuahua I think.

  16. J. Hancock says:

    oh, +Scott Cramer, I am sooooooo stealing that!

    (I would have to be 80% blind to qualify for any 'services', fyi)

  17. Sanna Caduri says:

    How practical, you can carry the Chihuahua in the pocket and it can… what? Bark once for left and twice for right?

  18. J. Hancock says:

    and the Chihuahua could wear the glasses and use the cane, so people would notice it and not step on it!   LOL!  you guys are too funny!

  19. Sanna Caduri says:

    spits almost coke over the laptop
    Oh gosh, don't drink and read!

  20. J. Hancock says:

    spew worthy!

  21. Sanna Caduri says:

    I added you, +J. Hancock, you're awesome.

  22. J. Hancock says:

    aw, thanks, +Sanna Caduri… you might wanna view some posts first, see if I "fit" for you.  I am not everyone's cuppa tea, but I do make some people laugh!

  23. Sanna Caduri says:

    I didn't see anything, that bothered me. 🙂 Actually I am not your average woman either. Or at least I like to think, that I'm not. laughs
    As long as you don't hate animals, you're fine with me. 😉
    OK, you guys made my afternoon, now I need to get supplies, there will be elderflower syrup this weekend!

  24. J. Hancock says:

    LOL!  I collect 'outliers', +Sanna Caduri.  you might just fit right in!

  25. John Hosier says:

    I see floaters when I focus my eyes to one side

  26. Rainia Ananda says:

    I can't see anything without BUNCHES of them. I have to shock them over to one side by looking quickly to one side and back if I need to see writing clearly for a few seconds. My eye doc said the only way to get rid of them is to drain my eyeball..GAH! And, he said that there's no guarantee they won't just stick in there and float back out again.

  27. Rainia Ananda says:

    Oh +J. Hancock, I didn't see your comment, looks like we both have herds! Hahaa… Mine came from severe head trauma… weee! 

  28. J. Hancock says:

    I can soooooo relate, +Rainia Ananda!  it can be so exhausting reading or doing something that requires clear vision when we have these 'herds of camels' to see around.  and the vitriousecotomy sounds (for me) very wierd and invasive for a maybe result.  I think I can suffer with the camels a little longer.  at least they are not demanding camels… =D

  29. J. Hancock says:

    mine, too, +Rainia Ananda!  also… weeee!
    one time at a December eye exam the Dr said he could even see the wise men on the camels.
    (and he said he likes that I laugh when he pokes fun at me!)

  30. Jim Gomes says:

    I like to think that my eyeballs are turning into snow globes. I can jump up and down and shake the floaters around.

  31. Rainia Ananda says:

    True… Mostly an inconvenience, but not painful. So sucking out my eyeball is not the option at the moment! Though it would be a good story when I have grandkids…hahaaa. 

  32. J. Hancock says:

    LOL, +Rainia Ananda and +Jim Gomes!

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