True Romance You're So Cool

One of my favorite movies of all time. Here's an awesome clip. If you are going to go watch the movie, though, don't watch the clip yet, 'k? Seriously. GO WATCH THE MOVIE first!!!

Thanks +Emilio BoronaliΒ for posting a picture from the flick on your stream.

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11 Responses to True Romance You're So Cool

  1. Luis Gibb says:

    "Marty. Y'know what we got here? Motherfuckin' Charlie Bronson."

  2. Scott Cramer says:

    So many good lines!

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    +Kenrick RawlingsΒ the long lost social network hermit. πŸ˜‰

  4. Emilio Boronali says:

    +Scott CramerΒ I knew that drawing reminds me of a movie! Thanks dear librarian!

  5. Jim Gomes says:

    This was a bizarre movie. Along the lines of The Heathers.

  6. Scott Cramer says:

    Hm. If bizarre means fanfreakingtastic then I totally agree. πŸ˜‰

    The Heathers was definitely more bizarre, I think. Liked it too but it won't make the favorite of all time list. πŸ™‚

  7. Jim Gomes says:

    No, definitely not a favorite. Although Pump Up The Volume is an all time favorite. Different genre, but still a Christian Slater flick.

  8. Scott Cramer says:

    You've written for the Christian Slater Wiki page, haven't you Gomes? πŸ˜‰

  9. Jim Gomes says:

    No. But maybe I should. πŸ™‚ I've liked his stuff ever since I saw Gleaming The Cube. (How's that for an old skool reference?)

  10. Luis Gibb says:

    Gleaming the cube was awesome, most people have never heard of it so now you are 20% cooler in my book +Jim Gomes πŸ˜‰

  11. Jim Gomes says:

    Whoo hoo! I'm leveling up. πŸ™‚

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