Heheh… This will make little sense without looking at my previous post/share of +scribblegraph's contest. This was a quickie Photoshop from a year+ ago I used as a call to action for brother +Keith Cramer's b-day.
Anywho! Insert 15-year-old mentality chuckling here.
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"pen is" Jeez I need to read things more slowly!
Oh my! This will not be believed, but I totally did NOT intend that! It has finally happened. My subconscious has taken over. Apologies +Ashlan Nathens. Editing "pen" to "pencil" now!
For readers of the comments, +Andrew Clifton-Brown pointed out "My pen is bigger…" looked a little funny. My choice of writing implement is now pencil for this post! 😉
heh 😉
Dork. 🙂
Really, +Kyla Myers?
You had to go there! lmao
Like I said….
Ha ha! Should have kept the original wording. Too funny.
I agree with +Jim Gomes ! Hehe…although I do believe +Ashlan Nathens has a ginormous …pencil that he will be happy to show you.
I won't mention it is orange as that might just be odd……..
Err… +Ashlan Nathens, could you now post a photo of your pencil so these people don't think I'm creepy? Even if it's just limited to us?…
I promise I'm not a creep…
0.o ···· I need to quit my day job to keep up with all these shenanigans!! <3
'…post a photo of your pencil'.
It just gets worse!
Maybe we could create a theme… #photosofyourpencil
My pencil is already out there on the web somewhere!
+Andrew Clifton-Brown …I thought you were never going to mention that again?
Shhhh!!! No one knows!
Looks like the pen/pencil is not the only oversized thing in this picture.
+Andrew Clifton-Brown well, you best be nice to me then! 😉
Love you! Want chocolate?
That's better 🙂
Hm. The things you learn… 😉