Before +Charlie Hoover was the lovable geek we all know, he had a very different life back in the late 90's. He was… The Computer Man, singing and dancing his way through your company's worst technical problems! I'm sure he had hoped this video would remain in obscurity or that, at least, he would not be recognized. Sorry, Charlie! 😉
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Are you popping speed today?
Hahahaha! He must be bored. 🙂
Damn it… In a meeting can't watch yet lol…
I know… I should pace myself. 😉
Bwahahahaha! That makes this even better +Charlie Hoover! 😉
Just sing your way out! They'll understand! 😉
this is a glorious video based on classic hit from nineteen ninety four, and I wish I had a time machine so I could be in it.
I'll let him comment on this after his meeting. I think I already know what his response well be.
There is no proof that it is not you in the dancing throng of tech groupies, +Michael Bennett!
I'm pretty sure +Kyla Myers is in there getting her tech groove on! hehe
I watched pretty closely +Scott Cramer, and I don't see any gawky seventeen year old males, with acid washed jeans, high-tops, and a polo golf shirt.
Damn you Cramer!! =)
The truth must be known!!!
I thought the truth was out there.
needs moar sandcastles in the sand.
I've been advised by my lawyers to plead the fifth…
I bet +Carrie Canup didn't know I could dance like that…
And in heels no less ( +Mellie B )
I hate +Charlie Hoover because of how his legs look in heels. don't tell him, k?
I won't, so long as you don't tell anyone about his getting herpes from Jack, again….
My lips are sealed.
As are his….you should see the swelling!
…must… not… laugh….
You're just jealous of my sweet sweet moves…
"just" he says….
Okay now I know I'm officially fevered…
you should see the shenanigans CARRIE has been up to >_>
I been trolling all the trolls!
I probably missed it, sorry…
Long story short… Carrie found Jesus (and hair bleach) and heels cure everything. Even Jack's herpes.
Um. Okay.
Was Jesus on the shelf the whole time?
But she's quitting all her doctors now. Hooray for the internet!
You forgotted the bras and self-tanner!
I'm so confused.
i was trying to sum up. Aren't they kinda implied, tho?
You should check out my posts
I went and skimmed and saw stuff about legs and cribbage but honestly I'm quite ill…will go check again after the next couch time, sorry.
It's about my legs
Feel better!
hugs Kim!
Okay I went and read and managed to not make the obvious dirty joke…but I promise it's the real me and not a pod person.