Since December, many plussers (double digits now?) have been receiving mysterious packages containing a dozen rubber ducks. I myself received a set of "superhero" rubber ducks with no information in the package ( There has been a mysterious ducking as recent as today over on +Carrie Canup's stream ( and before that I think it was +Mz Maau (
If I were the robot, I'd run!
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Five bucks say the duckie win. Rubber duckies have magic powers. If someone's about to murder you, just show them a rubber duckie and they'll switch to offering you tea.
I still wish we had a standard hashtag for pulling up all the related ducky gifting posts.
create one, tag all posts.
Hey, your link is borked. I think because of the period after the parentheses.
Canard gagne!
Ente gewinnt!
Anatra vince!
???? ?????????!
+Jonathan Warden Just tried the link and it took me to the post. Not sure why it did not work for you. (???)
+Mz Maau We should come up with one. I'd go back and edit my post and add it in.
+Amanda Rachelle Warren Fever? 😉
I also think #Duckathon needs to be added to them all.
+Scott Cramer It includes ').There' as part of the link.
#Duckathon and #Duckagift ?
#duckmail is pretty simple and easy to remember. nwo just go into all the old duck posts and tag . start by searching g+ for rubber ducks and move from there
Need to fix your first link, Sweets.
You have the word THERE incorporate, as well as a period.
Boredom. 🙁
+Kyla Myers +Jonathan Warden I looked at the wrong link. Doh. Fixed now.
I also like #duckmail +Carrie Canup 🙂
As long as it also includes #Duckathon, I don't care.
+Mz Maau I'm okay with whatever unites all the duckies. Why duckathon, though, is it a race?
And… we overlooked the most obvious! #alltheducks hehe!
Whatever you like, Mz Maau. I'm not bothered. 🙂
Because #Duckathon.
+Dirk Reul – Can you explain this one?
If you hunt down the very first #Duckathon post, from about a year ago, you'll find out why.
I edited my post where I got ducked and this post to include the hashtags #duckmail and #duckathon 🙂
+J.C. Kendall More duck news if you are interested. 🙂
I think we have some ducking copy cat duckers I am about 90% I found the guy who ducked me and when accused I believe he doth protest too much. Here is the post
I got the basic idea from +Myke Cole many moons ago +Scott Cramer and +Mz Maau back, when it was about taking picks of your ducks!
So, we already have quite a few posts with awesome duckies!
Hm. Vewy intewesting!
lol a mystery worthy reading about 🙂