Ducks and Princesses

Some packages arrived a couple days before my birthday on the 20th. I was waiting for my birthday before posting a pic and then I got literally buried in good will and notifications! So, better late than never, here 'ya go!

The Princess Squad (regular and slave variety) are from Mr. +Dirk Reul! Thank you Dirk. Very funny, and very generous!

The ducks, well they arrived in an Amazon box with nothing on the packing slip except the label "Over the Hill Rubber Ducks". Chalk up a good birthday punking from the anonymous ducker(s)! So, anyone want to contribute to a bounty for any information? I just want to say thank-you!

#duckathon   #duckmail   #happybirthdayscottcramer   #showusyourbuns  

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61 Responses to Ducks and Princesses

  1. Scott Cramer says:

    Other duckees… ducktims… inducktees! +Mary C. +Mar Mai +Kimberly Chapman +Kimberly Allen +Mz Maau +Kyla Myers +matthew rappaport +Chris Mallory +Allen Simpson +Carrie Canup +Charlie Hoover (one of the two, probably Carrie since they were penguins) Did I miss anyone?

  2. Carrie Canup says:

    Duckguins! This means +Charlie Hoover still needs to be ducked…

  3. Charlie Hoover says:

    Sadly they don't have timelord ducks…=)

  4. Carrie Canup says:

    They just need dorky ducks

  5. Scott Cramer says:

    Kimberly and Kimberly got nerd/dork/geek ducks, I believe!

  6. Kimberly Chapman says:

    All ducks are Timelord ducks.

    And yes I got nerdy ones…there's a pic in my posts somewhere back there…

  7. Carrie Canup says:

    Instead of a flashdrive, you need a duck drive

  8. Charlie Hoover says:

    Like this?

  9. Mar Mai says:

    OH YEAH!! This is pretty dang awesome!!! 😀

  10. Mz Maau says:

    Ummm, +Charlie Hoover

  11. Mz Maau says:
    (also located here, with the Dalek Jellies:)
    (Seriously, check out the related products, too.)

  12. Mz Maau says:

    Alternatively, +Charlie Hoover, there's a Ducky Dinosaur Park playset among this group:

  13. Mz Maau says:

    And way too much awesome here:

    Including some dinosaur duckies.

  14. Mz Maau says:


    There's TONS of ducky action shots there, including someone who proposed by rubber ducky rings.

  15. Dirk Reul says:

    So now you can play at being Princess Leia without dressing up.. you know, for your daily needs 🙂

  16. Mz Maau says:

    +Dirk Reul…  See latest post…  (quasi-related).

  17. Dirk Reul says:

    oooh.. nice +Mz Maau ! Neat idea

  18. Tazein Mirza Saad says:

    Very cute! +Scott Cramer

  19. Halfdan Reschat says:

    Twist: It's actually each person themselves who sends ducks to themselves from the future as signs of what is to come. People who haven't received any are probably dead before duck time-travel is invented.

  20. Dirk Reul says:

    Dramatic Chipmunk

  21. Debbie Cowan says:

    Oh thats just ducky +Scott Cramer they are so cute I wish I had my own little army!

  22. Chris Mallory says:

    Over-the-hill ducks – hah! This duck mystery just gets better and better doesn't it?

  23. Dirk Reul says:

    always reminds me of this.. are there Sharpe Ducks too? 

    Sharpe – Over the Hills and far away

  24. Kimberly Chapman says:

    Richard Sharpe!

    * fans self *
    * swoons *

    Incidentally that song will send Jason into paroxysms of conflicting emotions until they settle out into sighing regretfully in the dark…

  25. Dirk Reul says:


    To Flanders, Portugal and Spain The queen commands and we'll obey

    Yes.. that series is still great 😀

  26. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I'm still reading the books so I've only seen limites shows, trying to avoid spoilers.  I'm only a few books away from the end though…

  27. Dirk Reul says:

    I actually have to read the books at all, I am mostly hooked on the shows and the mini-series.

  28. Kimberly Chapman says:

    I saw one of the more recent shows when it popped up on Masterpiece and I fell in love with Sharpe enough to be reading the books.  I never would have thought I'd love Napoleonic war fiction, but damn it, Sharpe is so awesome.

    * more fanning self *

    Then Corran bought me the Rifles DVD set, but I only watched one so I can read the books first.  I ploughed through 'em all summer, but then slowed down because I'm afraid to be out of them!

    BTW, one of my favourite Canadian bands sings the song too: Over the Hills – Great Big Sea

    I have a juicy scene written somewhere in the backstory notes of when Jason stumbled on that, since he likes GBS for the old timey UK music, and wasn't expecting that on the new CD he popped into his player.  Heh.  ANGST!  >:D

  29. Charlie Hoover says:

    So if I get any of those sent here ill know who to blame lol…

  30. Kristi Fahlsing says:

    +Scott Cramer about choked to death when he read the packing slip to find out what ducks were delivered!

  31. Scott Cramer says:

    Indeed I did! Nicely played, whoever you are. Most likely in these comments. <Cough> +Halfdan Reschat <Cough>.

    And… I am intrigued by the time travel duck concept from +Halfdan Reschat. If that is the case, I hope many of you get ducks soon!!! It's like that Looper film!!!

  32. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, you're underestimating me if you think I'd carry out a scheme like this without sending myself ducks before anyone even suspected me to be behind it.

  33. Scott Cramer says:

    I think you are smart enough to know that people would think exactly that so therefore you do exactly the opposite! You did not count on that deception being cracked wide open!

  34. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, I kind of did but didn't care since I'm not the one behind all of this.

  35. Mz Maau says:

    I'm kind of grooving on the idea that +Scott Cramer got +matthew rappaport to join the #CabalOfDuckerifications, in order to support his 'innocence'.

    +Dirk Reul – You've trained your subordinate well.

  36. Dirk Reul says:

    I have no clue what you are all talking about! I am way too busy working all day and doing stuff <_<

  37. Mz Maau says:

    Of course you are, Dirkachu.

    (Did you know 'Dirkachu' is cemented into my auto-correct now?)

  38. Dirk Reul says:

    I was almost certain it was <3

  39. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mz Maau You make my head spin!

  40. Mz Maau says:

    That's just the chloroform, dear.

  41. Scott Cramer says:

    If I wake up without a kidney……

  42. Mz Maau says:

    You'll know +Keith Cramer has been selling you on the black market for years, then.

  43. Halfdan Reschat says:

    +Scott Cramer, perhaps I should take this chance to apologize in advance then.

  44. Mz Maau says:

    Please don't tell him how much the hair plugs fetch…

  45. Scott Cramer says:

    I'm never sleeping again!

  46. Mz Maau says:

    That implies you have previously slept.

  47. Scott Cramer says:

    Oh yeah… true 'dat +Mz Maau. 😉

  48. Mary C. says:

    HEhehee (late to the party with this one) but still giggle-snerking at the awesomeness!
    Geezer Duckies… guess you're that much closer to being an old Quack +Scott Cramer! >D

  49. Keith Cramer says:

    Quit whining… You have two kidneys.

  50. Scott Cramer says:

    And height. 😉

  51. Keith Cramer says:

    Don't make me come for the other kidney.

  52. Mar Mai says:

    Brotherly love is so sweet!! 😀

  53. Mz Maau says:

    Maybe a spleen?

  54. Scott Cramer says:

    +Mz Maau Is saying I have some spleen'in to do! Much funnier in my head, I'm sure.

  55. Mz Maau says:

    Isn't it almost always funnier inside one's head?

  56. Scott Cramer says:

    Inside my head is a never-ending fire-alarm going off… but otherwise, definitely! The world is much funnier the way I look at it, I think. 😉

  57. Mar Mai says:

    Inner commentary is what keeps us sane most days anyway! I know I use it whenever I watch House Hunters International XD

  58. Scott Cramer says:

    Inner commentary can keep me awake all night. But I like when they do cartoon voice contests. Cracks my sh&t up.

  59. Keith Cramer says:

    It'w when the inner commentary sneaks out that the world becomes afraid.

  60. Mar Mai says:

    +Keith Cramer Very true!! Although the world would be a lot more interesting if we all let our Maggie Smith out!! 😀

    Downton Abby Maggie Smith Free Style Inner Commentary awesomeness!! XD

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