Mornings in Real Life NOT Like the Movies

Well, the movie could be a comedy horror flick, I suppose. 😉

Shave and a haircut. Done.

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25 Responses to Mornings in Real Life NOT Like the Movies

  1. Catherine Maguire says:

    Oh I dunno, could be lost in translation…

  2. Kyla Myers says:

    Awww, look how cute you are. Me…I look like a Shirley Temple reject first thing in the morning.

  3. Scott Cramer says:

    Awesome Spider-man shirt is from my birthday. It is a mosaic of all the wonderful folks who have me in circles. 😉

  4. Yvan Da Silva says:

    Lol Morning!

    Mine was not like movies too. My phone died during the night. And my head all messed up.

  5. Eddie Yasi says:

    I just got a haircut this weekend, otherwise I could easily have out-heat-misered you with my medusa-like hair.

  6. Joachim Kessel says:

    Good morning, Scott!
    I'd love to look as nice as you, getting up without my Make-up! 😉
    Very nice picture, I like the person and spirit that I see.

  7. Scott Cramer says:

    +Eddie Yasi LMAO, I am totally going to 'shop myself and Heat Miser together later. Ha 😉

  8. Eddie Yasi says:


  9. Chad Wilson says:

    Did you use a Flovie to cut your hair?

  10. Michael Bennett says:

    Some celebrities spend ages making their hair look like that.

  11. Clare Cosgrove says:

    These are super!!!

  12. Mellie B says:

    …. you posted this public, eh?

    The internet will never forget Slave Leia no matter how you try

  13. Chad Wilson says:

    Someday, many decades from now, a researcher is going to find that picture of Slave Leia Cramer, and as luck will have it, no textual information will survive to explain it, and thus the future will think that all of us were cross-dressers.

  14. matthew rappaport says:

    You got #RAPPAPOWER !

  15. Clare Cosgrove says:

    Now I have it…Trevor Eve that's who you remind me of! 🙂

  16. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    To think, I might be nestled in the same place where the metal bikini once was.

    And, +Clare Cosgrove , you're right about Trevor Eve 🙂

  17. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    Awesome overload in the t-shirt

    Yep, def a Trevor Eve looky likey.
    I bet you are looking him up now!

  18. Scott Cramer says:

    LOL, I must admit, I had not heard of Trevor Eve before now.

    +Anna Robertson Davis I shall have to look for your pic… you all in the dirty clothes right now. 😉

  19. Catherine Maguire says:

    Trevor Eve???

  20. Clare Cosgrove says:

    Really?..I feel old.. I even remember him as Eddie Shoestring.

  21. Nikki Cartlidge says:

    I'm with you with my Zimmer frame +Clare Cosgrove . But we had the best kids shows. Remember that!

    I'm rather attracted to Mr Eve, for an older gent. We're not implying you look as old as him +Scott Cramer BTW. It's a compliment, honest!

  22. Clare Cosgrove says:

    Oh it's definitely a compliment!! #truth

  23. Anna Robertson Davis says:

    Oh yes, a young Trevor Eve, definitely!

    I do need a good wash, actually, Scott 😉

  24. Scott Cramer says:

    No comment 😉

  25. Salvio Giglio says:

    OMG! XD

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