MSNBC Morning Joe – Watered Down Coffee

After flipping through channels looking for OWS information this morning and finding nothing but typical morning Friday fluff, I had left the TV on TiVo. It timed out and went to live TV, which just happened to be Morning Joe on MSNBC. Joe was talking with Simon Hobbs at the New York Stock Exchange.

The piece started out joking about his outfit. Then it went into some commentary from Simon making it sound like looters were about to take over a department store and due to advance intelligence, the heroic police averted a potential catastrophe. Wtf?

Then, later, this little back and forth:

Joe: Alright, looks like peaceful protests out there. Did you see any hints of violence?

Simon: There were scuffles. But you never know whether that's actually the photographers, and there were hundreds of photographers, almost as many as there were protesters. When they put the police on the motorbikes, on the mopeds, there was some trouble there, but I couldn't say it was violence for sure. It didn't look violent to me.

The piece ended with more commentary from Joe on Simon's clothes.

Wow. Hard hitting. I'm looking forward to real photos and YouTube videos which I'm sure are coming soon.

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